Set Decoration
Carl Foster takes off on a well-deserved weekend break with his family knowing only too well that focus on work has impacted his relationship with his wife, young son, and teenage step-daughter. But after a short but restful break in the journey Carl awakens to find himself tied and bound in an old roadside diner, his family trussed and gagged next to him, and a disparate group of dirty, disheveled, vagrant-like undesirables keeping them captive. Only time will reveal who they are and what they want, but things are not everything they might seem.
Art Department Coordinator
遺産を相続することが決定していたマックスはそれをすべて売却することを考えていた。 だが、シャトーに来たとたん、少年時代の思い出が次々に蘇り、心が揺らいできた。さらに、地元でレストランを経営するファニーとの出会いもまた、彼に変化をおよぼした。