François Dagenais


スパイラル:ソウ オールリセット
Prosthetic Designer
スパイラル:ソウ オールリセット
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Special Effects Key Makeup Artist
A troubled woman on the edge of divorce returns home to her younger sister after years apart. But when her sister and brother-in-law betray her trust, she embarks on a vicious crusade of revenge.
Prosthetic Supervisor
Trench 11
Special Effects Makeup Artist
In the final days of WWI a shell-shocked soldier must lead a mission deep beneath the trenches to stop a German plot that could turn the tide of the war.
Trench 11
Executive Producer
In the final days of WWI a shell-shocked soldier must lead a mission deep beneath the trenches to stop a German plot that could turn the tide of the war.
Prosthetic Designer
A creative and driven teenager is desperate to escape his hometown and the haunting memories of his turbulent childhood.
Cottage Country
Prosthetic Supervisor
When Todd takes his girlfriend Cammie up to the family cottage for a reclusive proposal, the last thing he expected to be doing was dealing with was his slacker brother and his hippie girlfriend. But in this comedy of errors, Todd and Cammie, have to deal with his accidentally murdered brother in order to live happily ever after.
ソウ ザ・ファイナル
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
ジルの罠を生き抜いたホフマン刑事はジルの殺害に執念を燃やす。ジルは警察に保護を求めるが、ホフマンの魔の手は確実に彼女に忍び寄る…。ジグソウのゲームを生き残ったボビー・デイゲンは、その経験談をTVや著書などで語り、カリスマ的な人気を得ていた。ジグソウのゲームの生還者の会に参加した彼は、あのゴードン医師と出会い疑いの目を向けられる。ゲームの終焉は来た! 「ゲームオーバー!」を最後に言うのは誰なのか?!
Prosthetic Designer
A businesswoman finds herself locked with a unhinged security guard in a parking garage after getting stuck working late on Christmas Eve.
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
Prosthetic Designer
Jamie returns to his hometown in search of answers to his wife's murder, which occurred after receiving a weird package containing a ventriloquist dummy named Billy, which may be linked to the legend of ventriloquist Mary Shaw. Destined to find out the truth, Jamie goes to the town of Raven's Fair, where Shaw used to perform and is buried. But Jamie is in for more than he expected.
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
息子を交通事故で亡くしたジェフは、目覚めると食肉工場の地下室にいた。扉を開けると、そこには鎖につながれた3人の男女。最愛の息子を飲酒運転でひき殺した男、犯人に軽罪しか与えなかった判事、そして事故を目撃しながら証言しなかった女…。「俺は、息子を殺した人間たちを処刑するのか?」 一方、医者のリンは誘拐され、連れて行かれた地下室で、瀬戸際のジグソウと会う。彼の延命手術を成功させなければ、彼女にも死が待っている…。こうして新たなる「ゲーム」が始まった!
Prosthetic Designer
The making of a horror movie takes on a terrifying reality for students at the most prestigious film school in the country. At Alpine University, someone is determined to win the best film award at any cost - even if it means eliminating the competition. No one is safe and everyone is a suspect.
The Corruptor
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Danny is a young cop partnered with Nick, a seasoned but ethically tainted veteran. As the two try to stop a gang war in Chinatown, Danny relies on Nick but grows increasingly uncomfortable with the way Nick gets things done.