Margit Barnay


Benno Stehkragen
Der Sieg der Jugend
Baronin Wallburg
Verkrachte Existenzen
Verkrachte Existenzen is the title of a German drama from 1924.
Gift und Liebe
Das schöne Mädel
Tochter der Götts
Der Frauenkönig
Gravin Alexandra Andronowitsch
Drama about the unhappily married Alexandra who hopes to recover from tuberculosis in a mountain resort, but instead meets the multimillionaire Edgar Buchanan.
Revenge of the Bandits
Drama about Auca's relationship with two highwaymen, Ruggiero and Danilo. After the loss of a child, Auca throws herself into an abyss.
Frauen, die die Ehe brechen
Das Experiment des Prof. Mithrany
Die Diamantenkonkurrenz
Emerald of Death
A man searches for a cursed emerald belonging to his ancestor.