Axel Buchholz

Axel Buchholz

出生 : 1965-01-01, Luckenwalde, Germany


Axel Buchholz


キュア 〜禁断の隔離病棟〜
Volmer Institute Staff
ウォールストリートで働く金融マンのロックハートが役員に呼び出されて会議室に向かうと、社長のロバート・E・ペンブロークからの「会社には戻らない」と書かれた手紙を見せられ、実際に休暇から戻ってきていないことを知らされる。ロックハートの不正に気付いている役員たちは彼に圧力をかけ、スイスの療養所まで迎えに行くよう命じた。 ロックハートが療養所に到着すると既に面会時間を過ぎていたものの、責任者と交渉して夜には会えるように取り計らってもらう。ロックハートは一旦ホテルに向かうため療養所から離れるが、途中でタクシーが鹿に激突して大事故になってしまう。
Deckname Luna
Mann BND
Before Tomorrow
Wagner is a cop, a man who doesn't talk much, unlike Zippolt, the guy he has to sit in the car with. Both men are ordered to give close protection to Siegfried, a suspected murderer. Wagner lives in an old fashioned apartment, he counts birds, listens to Richard Wagner's operas, sees a lot, does little, meets a woman, gets entangled - and in the end he loses his countenance. A story about good-wanting and wrong-doing, about relationships and people in contemporary Berlin.
ADAC Techniker
Max Minsky and Me
Junger Polizist
Nerdy Jewish Nelly Sue Edelmeister, daughter of a New York mother and Berlin musician in Berlin gets straight A's, except for gym. When she hears her dream prince, actual royal Edouard, a fellow astronomy buff who studies in Luxemburg, patronizes the basketball tournament hosted there by a European school she wants to join her school's girls team.
An die Grenze
19-year-old NVA soldier, Alex Karow, is sent to the West German-East German border in May 1974, shortly after Willy Brandt's resignation and during the World Cup. The army is dominated by brutal rituals, tolerated or used by the officers. Alex understands that the ideals of balance, democracy and human dignity are propaganda. The question of what happens when the other appears in the sights of the Kalashnikov occupies the soldiers day and night, interrupted almost exclusively by the games of the World Cup with the historic encounter between the GDR and the FRG. Alex draws strength from his love for Christine, a confident tractor driver who lives in the neighbouring village. Christine encourages him not to do what his father expects, but to follow his dream of becoming a photographer. But when her brother sends Alex's photo from the border fortifications to the West, everything gets out of control...
Die Mauer – Berlin ’61
Jim and Elise are bound to each other by an uncompromising love, excessive passion and romance, which they like to experience up to life-threatening situations. But when film director Frank Morris gets stranded in the solitude of their east-German village, things start changing for all three of them.
Kleinruppin Forever
Grenzsoldat 1
Two twin brothers are living on a different sides of Berlin Wall after being separated after birth.
Der Aufstand
Horst Schlaffke
Nadine, meine Liebe
Tod im Studio
Valentin Katajews chirurgische Eingriffe in das Seelenleben des Dr. Igor Igorowitsch