An adaptation of Daniela Krien’s novel, this coming-of-age story set in the 1990s, amidst the last days of the GDR. The 17-year-old protagonist, Maria, lives on a farm with her boyfriend. One day, an older man moves into the neighbourhood. Maria and Henner start a love affair, which takes a tragic turn.
The little witch is only 127 years old – too young for the annual coven of witches. Although she is not yet old enough to be a real witch she wants to become a really good one. This decision causes trouble inside her magic world.
The film is about Steven who falls in love with Dana. But she only has eyes for the pop star Marc, whom his manager sends back to school because he thinks this is a good PR stunt.
Nice gift: Shortly before Christmas loses parcel delivery Wolfgang Paschke the debit card, the driver's license and his job. Famously, he also stumbles on a money bag, but a little later he is gone again. Great excitement before the festival!