Aislinn Paul

Aislinn Paul


Aislinn Paul


5 Films About Technology
A look at the dumber side of technology.
It Goes There: Degrassi's Most Talked About Moments
The cast and crew talk about their most favourite character moments and the storylines that caused the most reactions.
Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars
Beth Ellen
Young spy Harriet Welsch crosses paths with popular student Marion Hawthorne as the two girls vie to become the official blogger of their high school class.
Candles on Bay Street
DeeDee returns to her hometown with her 11 year old son, Trooper, 13 years after she ran off with her boyfriend. Her childhood best friend, Sam, is now married and he and his wife, Lydia, are the town's veterinarians. Lydia is a little wary about DeeDee after Sam tells her that they were best friends growing up and DeeDee was his first crush. But DeeDee and Trooper find their way into many hearts of the townspeople with their sweet helpfulness and friendships. DeeDee sets up a candle making business in town square and invites many of the ladies of the town to weekly candle making parties, and through these parties she and Lydia become good friends. One evening after dinner with Lydia and Sam, DeeDee tells Sam she's very sick and she doesn't have much longer to live and she needs his help to find a good family in town to adopt Trooper. Sam later tells Lydia everything and they decide to adopt Trooper themselves if/when something happens to DeeDee.
Murder in the Hamptons
Alexa Ammon
After multi-millionaire Ted Ammon is found bludgeoned to death at his East Hampton estate, the fingers point to his estranged wife, Generosa Rand, and her lover, an electrician named Danny Pelosi.
The story of a fictional town suffering from an outbreak of severe water contamination.