Yukie Kagawa

Yukie Kagawa

出生 : 1948-02-01, Suginami, Tokyo, Japan


Yukie Kagawa is a Japanese film actress and singer.


Yukie Kagawa


友情 -Friendship-
Fourteen-year old student Ayumi has leukemia and starts losing hair. She becomes depressed but receives overwhelming support from her classmates when they all shave their heads for her.
Jaspion Especial
太陽戦隊サンバルカンTHE MOVIE
Amazon Killer
A Sun Vulcan movie was released on July 18, 1981 at the Toei Manga Festival. It takes place some time after episode 23. In it Black Magma decides to separate Hiba from his teammates while plotting to blow up Tokyo with hidden bombs.
The Iron Cross Army are sabotaging oil-tankers with the help of their monster, the Sea-Devil, a semi-mechanical anthropomorphic swordfish with an ability to shoot torpedoes from its mouth. Spiderman employs the help of the interpol agent Juzo Mamiya to help him stop the Iron Cross Army.
Sister of the dog breeder / Sawamoto's girlfriend
Japan, 1948: Hiroki Matsukata stars as a man facing a nine year prison sentence. He incites prisoners of Shimane Prison to the biggest riot in jail history. A fighter by heart, he sees a way out of any situation, but will he survive this, the gutsiest assault ever attempted?
With a Kansai syndicate vying for Tokyo, one man reunites with his roguish half-brother in the midst of negotiations, when all hell breaks loose.
夜の歌謡シリーズ 女のみち
Poor Yoko knows she is getting played and used by a playboy, but she loves him with all her heart and soul.
女囚さそり 第41雑居房
銀蝶流れ者 牝猫博奕
木枯し紋次郎 関わりござんせん
Monjiro, reunited with his long lost sister, is pursued by a yakuza gang because he killed their boss. He also meets a fellow gambler who idolizes Monjiro. The gambler and Monjiro's sister are pulled into a conspiracy to get to Monjiro, but do things go as planned?
ポルノギャンブル喜劇 大穴中穴へその穴
Kogarashi Monjiro is a lone samurai who agrees to take responsibility for a murder that his friend committed so that he can stay with his dying mother, with the expectation that his friend will confess and get him pardoned once she dies. Monjiro is sentenced to an island for prisoners. When he discovers that his friend's mother has died over a year ago, Monjiro seeks to escape with a group of prisoners in order to get his revenge.
A con man sets up a consulting firm where he poses as a doctor specializing in curing people of their sexual problems and hang-ups.
女番長ブルース 牝蜂の逆襲
Girl Boss's rival
In the 1970s, the Japanese youth emancipation also found its way into the yakuza (crime) societies. A Girl Boss may have a choice between bikes, and between boyfriends. But she has to defend her choices the hard way, as her triumph and power over the girls' gang is questioned by her female rivals, and the all powerful Yakuza Boss. She inspires loyalty to her girls, and to men to the extent of many of them literally giving their lives for her - in a world of knife and gun fighting, bike and car chasing, and violent death.
夜の手配師 すけ千人斬り
セックス喜劇 鼻血ブー
Yurie Shimizu
Comedy about a car salesman who invents a condom against premature ejaculation.
ずべ公番長 ざんげの値打ちもない
Mari, the poor wife
Reiko Oshida stars as a young wannabe gangster tough girl, just released from reform school. She tracks down one of her classmates fathers, who runs an auto repair shop that the local Yakuza are trying to force out of business and take over, and starts working for him. At the same time a recently released from prison, and now ill Yakuza is trying to make a new life for himself and his girl, a friend of Reiko's, who also just graduated from reform school. A fateful car crash brings the two on a collision course with each other and the brutal Yakuza clan, which can only end bloody vengeance.
すいばれ一家 男になりたい
A man aspires to be a big boss but falls in love with a beautiful woman boss.
やくざ刑事 恐怖の毒ガス
Exciting fights between the police and a crime syndicate over the secret of poison gas.
ずべ公番長 はまぐれ数え唄
The local yakuza gangs dominating the port of Yokohama do not take well the invasion of their territory by a daring biker gang, led by a girl in black leather outfit and cowboy hat - reminiscent of the earlier war victors. Old and new grudges lead the two girl gangs to clash in several fights. However, when one of the leaders dies, the girls end up by uniting against the male gangsters that had been using them as puppets - and it all ends in a great finale mixed battle by the seashore.
ずべ公番長 東京流れ者
Mari Fuyuki
After helping a pregnant girl escape from their reform school and facing the resulting punishment, a clique of delinquent girls eventually reunites a year later in Tokyo to face different challenges in the form of yakuza and… street vendors.
Inside a Girl's Dormitory
With World War II is coming to its end and Japan nearing defeat, Japanese military leaders step up suicide attacks on Allied ships. Toei legend Koji Tsuruta stars as a Kamikaze squad leader who has second thoughts about suicide runs. He becomes torn between his own morality and his duty to his country when he must deal with a pilot under his command who refuses to complete his mission.
Two boys and two girls become acquainted and fall in love.
ずべ公番長 夢は夜ひらく
Mari Fuyuki
Tsuruyo Tamenaga
A man is inspired to build a hospital after his mother falls ill and becomes a host to swindle money out of women.
A 1970 entertainment action masterpiece directed by Teruo Ishii. A companion piece to another Ishii-directed film from 1970, also starring Watase, Yoshida and Sato called PRISONERS' BACK LIST.
江戸川乱歩全集 恐怖奇形人間
This anthology film consists of nine incidents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when assassins changed the course of Japanese history.
不良番長 どぶ鼠作戦
Tokyo hoodlums travel to Osaka and enter into rivalry with the local gangsters.
明治・大正・昭和 猟奇女犯罪史
Sada Abe - 1936 (segment "Abe Sada jiken")
A series of short stories about bizarre crimes committed by females in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa Eras. Discover 4 famous Japanese murderers: Takahashi Oden, the last woman beheaded in Japan, Sada Abe, a crazy lover, Kunihiko Kodaira, a rapist-killer and finally, the Toyokaku case, a woman who did everything to own a hotel.
夜の歌謡シリーズ 港町ブルース
やくざ刑罰史 私刑!
A story of yakuza lynching during the Edo, Meiji, and Showa periods.
The Head woman of a prison
妖艶毒婦伝 人斬りお勝
This film focuses on Okatsu; the adopted daughter of a master swordsman. She is a master with a sword herself and her talents far overshadow that of her brother, and real child of the man who adopted her. Her brother unfortunately has a gambling habit, and it plunges the family into trouble when he loses a lot of money in a crooked dice game. After releasing he is unable to pay the debt he owes; the blame is shouldered by the father, who is killed, leading Okatsu on a path of revenge.
マル秘女子大生 妊娠中絶
異常性愛記録 ハレンチ
残酷異常虐待物語 元禄女系図
Three stories of moral sickness set during Japan’s prosperous Genroku era are told in this bloody follow-up to the sexploitation classic Shogun’s Joy of Torture, the politically incorrect moral lessons paint a trio of tales of tragic heroines caught up in violence, sadomasochism, incest and torture.
Rokurō starts a part-time job on a fishing boat, but the ship has an engine failure in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
寛文五年。みつは、兄新三の殺害容疑および近親相姦の罪で捕われたが、与力南原一之進の残酷な拷問に口を割ろうとはしなかった。その拷問に不信を持ったのは与力吉岡頼母だった。やがてみつは、事の一部始終を吉岡に自白して、水礫の刑に処せられた。みつの生涯は暗く短かかった。小町娘と評判が高かったみつを、呉服屋の巳之吉は妾にしようと日頃から執心していた。新三は、その話を断ったが、大工の仕事中に重傷を負い、治療代に苦しんだ。巳之助と権造は兄妹の援助に乗り出したが、みつの払った代償はあまりに大きかった。哀しみに暮れる兄妹は、狂ったようにお互を求めあった。やがてこの事実が巳之助に知れ、みつは新三の目前で犯された。新三はこれを苦にして自殺をはかったが死にきれず、みつが兄の苦痛を見かねてノミを打ち下したのだった。寛文八年。珠光院の院主代玲宝は、夜な夜な裸身を、付き役尼僧の燐徳に笞うたせ、歓喜に身をゆだねていた。ある日玲宝は、尼僧妙心が本寺の僧春海と密会しているのを発見した。玲宝は、春海を女犯の罰として滝にうたせ、妙心には、苛酷な拷問を加えた。やがて、妙心は残虐な私刑に耐えきれず、春海の名を呼びながら世を去った。一方、春海は玲宝の心を受け入れなかったため、玲宝の鉈で首をかき落された。そして、玲宝自身も春海の首を愛撫しながら自害して果てた。 寛文十一年。柳橋の芸者君蝶の背に彫られた地獄絵図が、評判をよんでいた。この刺青を彫ったのは彫丁だったが、彼は南原を尋ね、女が苦悶する表情について教えを請うた。ちょうどその頃、漂流船で流れ着いた白人女たちが、キリシタン宣教の疑いで、拷問を受けることになっていた。彫丁は一代の彫りものにしようと、土台になる処女探しにかかった。その哀れな犠牲者になったのは、町娘の花だった。南原らによる拷問はすさまじかった。そして花の体には、着々と拷問地獄の模様がその輪郭を現わしはじめた。だが、その図には地獄の邏卒の顔が未完成のままだった。彫丁は、非情に笞うつ南原を刺し、断末魔の表情を花の背に写し取った。吉岡らが牢に踏み込んだのは、その直後だった。だが、その時すでに牢は炎に包まれていた。
Kaidan hebi-onna
Kinu Ônuma , Bride
An old man dies of heartbreak when a cruel landlord is about to repossess his land. The old man haunts the landlord from the grave. Since the man died in debt, his wife and daughter are indentured servants and are forced to work in the landlord's factory.
温泉 あんま芸者
A samurai kills a blind man who tells him to repay his debts. Because of the samurai's actions his entire family is to bear a terrible curse.
A tragic love story involving the 5th Shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty and a woman who became one of his concubines.