Jane Bogart


Set Decoration
Set Decoration
An irritable marketing executive, Neal Page, is heading home to Chicago for Thanksgiving when a number of delays force him to travel with a well meaning but overbearing shower ring curtain salesman, Del Griffith.
Nothing in Common
Set Decoration
On his way up the corporate ladder, David Basner confronts his greatest challenge: his father.
Set Decoration
After fifteen years of traveling around the world, Gussie (Spacek), a famous photographer, returns to the Maryland coastal resort where she grew up. She meets her high school sweetheart Henry (Kline), now married and running the local newspaper he's inherited from his father. An awkward and tension-filled romance ensues.
Down and Out in Beverly Hills
Set Decoration
Beverly Hills couple Barbara and Dave Whiteman find their lives altered by the arrival of a vagrant who tries to drown himself in their swimming pool.
Set Decoration
Irreconcilable Differences
Set Decoration
Alternating between the past and the present, a precocious little girl sues her selfish, career-driven parents for emancipation, surprising them both.
Set Decoration
Baby Comes Home
Set Decoration
In this sequel to "And Baby Makes Six," a middle-aged couple deals with familial upheaval after giving birth to an unplanned fourth baby --- 17 years after their last child.