Jörg Kidrowski


Till the End of the Night
The undercover investigator Robert is supposed to win the trust of a criminal through a fictitious relationship with Leni. However, the feelings are not just a game. It is the spied criminal, of all people, who makes him confront his contradictory feelings…
スペンサー ダイアナの決意
Production Sound Mixer
Sisters Apart
Sound Director
Rojda, a native of Iraqi Kurdistan and a soldier in the German army, travels to a refugee camp in Greece where she manages to meet her mother, who has bad news about her sister Dilan.
Until I Lose My Breath
Sound Editor
A young girl working in a textile workshop is desperately trying to save money to make her father quit his job and find an apartment together with her. But her father does not seem to be the person she wants him to be.