Yevgeni Syty

Yevgeni Syty

出生 : 1969-05-23, Belovo, Kemerovskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR


Yevgeni Syty
Yevgeni Syty


The story of a simple sailor of the Northern Fishing Fleet, who dreams of ending his naval career, since his life at sea seems unreal to him, illusory. He is going to go ashore, marry and settle on the ground. To heal. But nothing comes out. He is forced to sail again. An adventure cinema begins with a large number of twists and turns: the strongest storm, a hole in the board, a haul pulling the ship to the bottom. The trawler practically sinks and at this moment receives the SOS signal from a foreign ship in distress. The main character manages to convince the rest of the crew to come, risking themselves, to help foreign sailors. Thanks to this act, the team - a gathering of sea wolves, practically pirates - has a feeling of meaningfulness of their own lives.
Distant Loved Ones
Boris works as a geography teacher in an ordinary Khabarovsk school. His life is pretty routine. In addition to the school and the garden, Boris has a son, Misha, with whom they have been communicating less and less lately and have become distant people for each other. Everything changes when Misha gives his father his old smartphone for his birthday. Boris begins to understand the phone and registers in social networks. Accidentally, Boris adds one unfamiliar woman named Nadezhda as a friend. An active correspondence is tied up, which subsequently becomes fateful. At one point, Boris decides to go to Nadezhda in the Moscow region to surprise her. He persuades his son, who is engaged in hauling cars, to take him with him on a trip. During a joint trip through all of Russia, old conflicts between father and son are revealed, the reasons for their separation from each other are clarified.
Girls Got Game
A local female football team works together to get through hard times and overcome sexual prejudice. Their strength is tested when they lose not only the games, but also their beloved coach who was the core of their team. But they work together to seek financial support, achieve victories, and respect.
Daddy Coded
After coding from alcoholism, Anatoly Snarov looked at his life with new, sober eyes. It turns out that he has a wife, children and a responsible position of the head of housing and communal services in the district town of Sorochinsk. Having achieved enlightenment, Snarov decides to make others happy. He becomes an exemplary family man and an active citizen. His stormy activity quickly goes beyond the powers of the head of housing and communal services. In the hope of saving themselves from an active reformer, Snarov's entourage is throwing all their strength into decoding him...
Pasha is an excellent student who lived to the end of the seventh grade, never having done anything forbidden by adults. But everything changes when his father, a quiet museum worker, suddenly disappears. Pasha goes in search of him in the company of the school's sworn enemy, handsome and sneaky Ilya. The guys are waiting for non-childish adventures, behind them there are two bandits. And in the smartphone - hints from the unknown Captain Geek.
On The Edge
The film's two main protagonists are Russia's best saber fencers. One of them has long been in the limelight, the other only recently made it into the national team and has been winning almost every tournament since. The two athletes begin to fight for supremacy both on and off the arena.
Doctor Lisa
The film is about a day in the life of Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka, also known as Doctor Liza. Moscow, 2012. The Glinka family prepares for a celebration: thirty years together. The closest friends are invited for dinner, the sons have arrived. Of course, Liza has freed up this day for her family. There’s just a trifle: to stop by the Fund and see the weekly patients at the Paveletsky Station. But the days of Doctor Liza are always full of surprises… In a hospital in a Moscow suburb a five-year-old girl is dying. The duty doctor has to discharge Eva. Due to medical formalities the child, who suffers from cancer, is left without painkillers. In utter despair, the girl’s father turns to Liza for help. When Liza cannot find a way to help the child within the system, she decides on a desperate act…
See It My Way
Olya is a crazy girl who escaped from an orphanage. Maxim is a blind guy, tired of the quirks of a rich father. By chance meeting, the guys decide to drop everything and go to sea. Why not - Maxim's father has money, Olya has a crazy craving for adventure. They are young and want freedom, they only see it in their own way. But this makes the journey only brighter and more fun!
Odessa Steamboat
Mekhanik parakhoda
Based on the works of Mikhail Zhvanetsky. The plot of the new comedy is based on the famous miniatures “Odessa Steamboat”, “Two Apples”, “Meeting at the Distillery” and other works by one of the country's most famous humor writers Mikhail Zhvanetsky. In total - 13 miniatures. The fates of the heroes of each story are intertwined, and the viewer will see a panorama of life in which the head of the transport department could not be heard, the plane’s crew wonders if passengers can land the plane, the barmaid stands at the helm of the ship, and the father teaches his son arithmetic, destroying all the apples in the house...
Great Poetry
“Great Poetry” is about two guys who live on the outskirts of Moscow and work as cash collectors. They’re young, lonely, and all they have in the world is each other. They spend their lives moving money for other people. They attend a poetry class at the local cultural center and watch cockfights at a dorm for migrant workers. Their attempts at finding poetry in the prosaic world around lead them to the conclusion that the only poetic move they can make is to rob a bank. The film isn’t about words or rhymes. It’s about friendship and betrayal, and about our vicious and alien world in which anyone who tries to be honest and consistent ends up looking naïve and cruel. It’s about the everpresent and incomprehensible force that — in spite of everything — makes our life so frantic, strange, and lonely
The Blackout
taxi driver
Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small ring-like area in Eastern Europe still has electricity, and maybe even life is being reported from space. What military forces find outside the ring is shocking.
Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone. The Movie
"Chernobyl: Exclusion zone. The finale" will put an end to the story of five teenagers who tried to prevent the world's most famous man-made disaster. They will have to return to where it all started – Chernobyl, in order to solve the mystery of the origin of the Exclusion Zone. The full-length film will provide answers to all riddles and intrigues, and its creators promise to maximize the dynamism of the action, the entertainment of action scenes and the quality of visual special effects.
Осторожно, хрупкое!
Two employees of a large warehouse on a night shift discover a box of prohibited substances. They decide to hide it in order to discreetly endure it after the shift. But this box is starting to attract the attention of everyone else.
Sober Cab
A young naive provincial guy Artem visits a friend in Moscow in the hope of finding a new beautiful life, but first he has to help him working the bizarre job of “sober driver” at night. On the first evening, picking up beautiful Christina from a nightclub, a misunderstanding leads to Artem ending up with her in a hotel room. Completely forgetting of last night’s events, Christina mistakes the guy for a young millionaire, and he, in turn, is in no hurry to disappoint her. With each date Artem falls more and more in love with her, but getting out of ridiculous situations becomes more difficult.
Summer Of Sea Buckthorn
The film is about the life and death of the outstanding playwright Alexander Vampilov. Life and death, which reflected the era. The two most important meanings are connected in this story. The fate of a simple provincial man who chooses the path of the artist and the love of their native places.
Anna Vice Versa
Once Anna gets an anonymous bouquet which turns her life around. But instead of love, she finds herself on a railway track.
Core of the World
Egor is a vet at a training facility for hunting dogs in a remote region of the country. Surrounded by foxes, deer, badgers, and dogs, he lives in a small building next to the house of the facility's master. He treats the dogs, cleans the kennels, oversees the workers, and meets with clients and their dogs. It's easier for him to get along with dogs than with people. Egor is willing to take on any job to get closer to the facility's master and his near and dear. He wants the impossible - to become a member of that family.
魔界探偵ゴーゴリIII 蘇りし者たちと最後の戦い
妖怪ヴィーとの決戦で一命を取り留めたゴーゴリは“黒騎士” の容疑をかけられ逮捕されてしまう。同じく収監されたヤキムから自身の出生の秘密を打ち明けられる。 そして163年前、ポーランド人異教徒のギャングがウクライナの農場を荒らしていた時から“黒騎士” がディカーニカに出現するようになり、まるで何かの復讐をするように若い女性を殺していたという呪われた過去が明らかになる。 ゴーゴリは闇の力で邪悪な呪いを取り除き、“黒騎士” を捕えることができるのか
The Martian Chronicles of Us Us Us
She is 25 years old, lives with her father and does advertising for an online casino in her video blog. The father works as cashier in a grocery shop and irons the daughter’s socks. But half an hour ago he decided that it is time to stop that.
魔界探偵ゴーゴリⅡ 魔女の呪いと妖怪ヴィーの召喚
グローが残した推理メモを頼りに殺人が起こる日の法則を突き止めたゴーゴリは、リザにも危険が及ぶことを察知する。 村では連続殺人鬼が正体不明の“黒騎士” だという噂で恐怖が広がっている。 次なる犠牲者を防ぐ為に、ディカーニカとその近くに住む若い女性を全員監視下に置くが、その頃、村では魔女ハンターによって捕えられた魔女が凶悪なクリーチャーである妖怪ヴィーを呼び寄せようとする。ゴーゴリは魔女ハンターと共に古い教会にとどまるが…
What Men Talk About 3
This time Lesha, Slava, Kamil and Sasha go to St. Petersburg. And three of the four do not even know why they go there. But at some point it becomes clear that it does not matter - why. It is important that they go.
Super Family. Better Than Avengers
The continuations of the adventures of Bobrov family all members of which suddenly became superheroes...
The Thick Woman
Leonid Gennadyevich
Annual Charitable Christmas Evening “Action!”
A comedy inspired by legends and myths of Ancient Greece, and by the biographies of the most trendy and popular characters of Moscow’s social Olympus. The film’s hero is a Greek, who decides to repeat Odyssey’s journey but accidentally sails the wrong way. He finds himself in modern Moscow, where he gets acquainted with well-known personalities. These celebrities unselfishly perform incredible nonsense, while the Greek immediately fames himself as a problem-solver. And his advice always works, even if not quite the way the customers want. But the main problem which the Greek must solve is his own. He falls in love with Maria, the wife of Moscow’s “Zeus”. And to conquer her, the Greek must first rescue all the “gods” on the Moscow Olympus.
A regular couple after years of relationship struggles to find the way to their happiness.
son of the deceased patient
Oleg is a young gifted paramedic. His wife Katya works as a nurse at the hospital emergency department. She loves Oleg, but is fed up with him caring more about patients than her. She tells him she wants a divorce. The new head of Oleg’s EMA department is a cold-hearted manager who’s got new strict rules to implement. Oleg couldn’t care less about the rules – he’s got lives to save; his attitude gets him in trouble with the new boss. The crisis at work coincides with the personal life crisis. Caught up between their patients, alcohol-fueled off-shifts, and an evolving health care system, Oleg and Katya have to find the binding force that will keep them together.
魔界探偵ゴーゴリ 暗黒の騎士と生け贄の美女たち
The grand constant flow of life
The Wonderland
The main characters of the film are residents of different places of this country, most common people, with whom most uncommon things, pure wonders, happen. Semyon and Lyuba, a family of fireguards, have a chance to fulfill a dream – to go to Moscow to take part in their favorite TV show “Field of Miracles” (“Pole Chudes”), where they should make a life choice “trophy or money?” An inexperienced officer of Patrol-Guard Service and at the same time an experienced loser Sanya will have to not only survive his first day of service but also to accept his wife’s labors and to reanimate his partner. Four newly acquainted fellows must by any means fly to Moscow in non-flying weather, and a couple of young lovers must reconcile their irreconcilable parents by some mysterious way. Valera has to decide on a dilemma: to save mankind from the Deluge or just to fly with his karaoke-alien-friends in their old UFO? All these things can happen only once a year – on December, 31!
policeman 1
Orléans is a typical provincial Russian town on the banks of a salt lake called Yarovoye. The town is 'steeped in evil'. But it isn't some great evil. This evil is of a banal and everyday type: Lida the hairdresser has indiscriminate affairs, followed by numerous abortions; Rudik the doctor enjoys an endless supply of women, thanks to his position, neglecting his paralyzed father who lives with him and hoping the old man will die soon; the local officer of the law has no qualms about committing murder; a magician from the local circus might actually be sawing women in half on stage... One day, a mysterious man appears in this quiet backwater town. He goes by the title of the Executor: at least that's what it says on his business card...
Another Year
He's an unemployed guy who earns some money by giving lifts to strangers. She's a graphic designer who just got her first job. The film tracks their relationship - and the way it gradually melts away - throughout a year. A subtle, moving portrait of an immature love that breaks down easily.
A Long and Happy Life
Sascha lives in a village on the Kola Peninsular in northern Russia and dedicatedly manages what is left of an old collective farm. He gets on well with his farm workers who respect him and also tolerate his more or less clandestine love-affair with Anya, a secretary at the local government office. But then Sascha is suddenly faced with a dilemma: the district’s self-seeking administrators, none of whom could be termed squeamish, offer him a lucrative deal for the farm. In legal terms, Sascha doesn’t have much of a leg to stand on since his lease on the farm was only agreed with a handshake. The pressure mounts, and even more so when his employees convince him to stand firm. Against the backdrop of a landscape exposed to the elements, this unflinching man’s destiny takes its course.
Till Night Do Us Part
Waiter Volodya
A genuine satiric comedy, based on real conversations - both amusing and sad - overheard by a journalist in one of the most expensive Moscow restaurants. Hilarious and revealing, this is a film about women who choose between affection and money, film producers that don't really know what they're filming, and weary businessmen who sometimes say screw it, down a shot and leave their mother-in-laws to pay the bill. But most of all, it's about true love that favors noisy kitchen floor over gilded fine-dining halls.
Artyom's Father
In the second feature film by Russian director Vasily Sigarev, fate brings ordeals to characters that find themselves immersed in deep crisis; they must seek the strength to cope with adversity. In a remote and cold region of Russia, Galya, a middle-aged woman with a drinking problem, has been separated from her twin daughters and she wants them back. On the other hand, Grishka and Anton are a young couple who decide to get married, but right after the wedding their relationship is put to the test in a brutal way. While Artyom longs to see his missing father, but his mother objects. There is only one element that brings all of these characters together: misfortune.
There's No Hurry
Every year, 25,000 people die on Russian roads. You could say a whole city is disappearing from our planet. And about a third of its "residents" were involved in an accident due to speeding. Many drivers do not consider acceleration even at 30 km / h a violation, but statistics show that they are wrong. Five different stories combined in movie almanacs will make every viewer, at least, think about the right choice of speed. Both on the road and in life.
Five short love stories, which become a statement of the directors about love. A shoemaker, a reporter, a pavement hooker-in, a psychiatric patient and a young man released from prison are the main characters of the film, heroes in a time of no heroes. All of them have the important qualities of being openhearted and not afraid of loving.
Help Gone Mad
Kind and lazy Jenya comes to Moscow from small village in Belarus for earnings. Criminal incident unexpectedly separates Jenya from companions and leaves him alone without money and documents. He has no friends or relatives in this big and hostile city and he is about to end as a homeless bum.
Free Floating
Brigade-leader Roslov
"Free Floating" is a melodrama with elements of comedy about a young lad from an ordinary provincial town like many in Russia, with just one kindergarten, one school, one factory. As a result, one grows up here never facing the alternative as to what to choose, for everything is preordained. Leonid is an ordinary lad who, like his peers, goes to discos, dances with girls and picks fights with the local riff-raff later. Everything is going well for him, as his life is totally predictable. But one day the factory closes down and he becomes disoriented. For the first time ever, he is to make a choice on his own and think seriously about what he would like to do...
Roads to Koktebel
A widowed aeronautics engineer, who has lost his job, travels with his son hopping freight trains from Moscow to Koktebel, a town by the Black Sea, to start a new life with the father's sister.