Tracy Reed

出生 : 1949-10-28, Fort Benning - Georgia - USA


Running Scared
Two street-wise Chicago cops have to shake off some rust after returning from a Key West vacation to pursue a drug dealer that nearly killed them in the past.
Sins of the Past
Maureen Warren
A ring of call girls leaves the "business" when one of them is murdered. The survivors change their names and leave town. However, they are reunited 15 years later when another one of them is murdered and the rest realize that they are all being tracked by the same serial killer.
Cocaine and Blue Eyes
Chris Brennen
O.J. Simpson plays Michael Brennen, a San Francisco private eye who gets dragged into a drug-smuggling operation while searching for the girlfriend of a deal client, leading Brennen to a politically prominent family.
Death of a Centerfold: The Dorothy Stratten Story
Mindy Ames
The life and tragic death of the "Playboy" centerfold model/actress Dorothy Stratten.
A two-bit promoter tries to take a women's wrestling team to the top.
Terror Among Us
A police sergeant and a parole officer endeavor to stop a rapist-on-parole before he can follow through his threats on five women whom testifed against him years earlier.
Turnover Smith
A criminology professor uses scientific methods, advanced computer technology, his expertise in chess, and the leg work of several of his students to track down a crazed killer in San Francisco.
Top Secret
A hip American agent and his foxy associate try to recover a hundred pounds of stolen plutonium in Italy before it can be used by terrorists.
A Piece of the Action
Nikki McLean
How does retired cop Joshua Burke (James Earl Jones) get two career criminals, Manny Durrell (Sidney Poitier) and Dave Anderson (Bill Cosby), to follow the straight and narrow? Con them into helping juvenile delinquents turn over a new leaf. But how? Burke has never been able to nail the duo, but he uses what he knows of their seedy past to blackmail them into volunteering.
Car Wash
This day-in-the-life cult comedy focuses on a group of friends working at Sully Boyar's Car Wash in the Los Angeles ghetto. The team meets dozens of eccentric customers -- including a smooth-talking preacher, a wacky cab driver and an ex-convict -- while cracking politically incorrect jokes to a constant soundtrack of disco and funk. Some of the workers find romance as the day moves along, but most are just happy to get through another shift.
No Way Back
Crowder is a an unethical private detective in pursuit of a gangster who's after embezzled money.
Aloha Means Goodbye
A young woman who is battling a rare blood disease must also fight against a greedy doctor who needs a heart-transplant donor, and has her in mind.
The Take
A policeman in New Mexico takes payoff money but still manages to go after a racketeer.
The Great American Beauty Contest
Miss New Jersey, Pamela Parker
The pursuit by America's loveliest girls for a coveted beauty crown is threatened by a scandal which implicates a judge, a former winner, and one of the five finalists.
(TV Film) Woman in Hospital
舞台はロンドン。公立学校ながら、厳しい教師と生徒たちの間でささやかな対立がはじまっていた。厳格な教えを説く教師たちや子供に過干渉な親たちと、それらに従うことなくそれぞれの目的や楽しみを見つけようとする子供たち。 気が弱く大人しい11歳のダニエルもそんな生徒の一人だったが、同じ学校に通うメロディという少女と出会う。2人はいつしか互いに惹かれあい、悩みを打ち明け、初めて心を許す相手を見つけたと感じた。純粋ゆえに恐れを知らない2人は、学校をさぼって海水浴場へデートに出かけたことから校長先生に叱られ、クラスメートたちにも散々笑い者にされる。ダニエルは悪友オーンショーにしつこくからかわれ、殴り合いの喧嘩まで繰り広げてしまう。 事情を聴くこともなく押さえつけようとする大人たちに対し、2人は一つの望みを口にする。それは「結婚したい」という驚くべきものだった。「どうして結婚できないのか」と問うが、当然親も教師もとりあわない。ある日、教師が授業を始めようとすると、教室はほとんどもぬけらの空であった。自分たちの手で2人の結婚式を挙げようと、クラスの生徒が集団エスケープしたのである。教師たちはあわてて彼らを探しに行く。 廃線脇の隠れ場所で、オーンショーが神父を務める結婚式がとり行われていた。ダニエルとメロディが誓いの言葉を唱えようとした時、教師たちに見つかってしまい、子供たちは散り散りに逃げていく。暖かい日差しの中で大人と子供の乱闘が繰り広げられ、発明狂の男の子が作った自家製爆弾が車を見事に爆破すると、大人たちは恐れをなして一目散に逃げて行く。子供たちはやんやの喝采を挙げる。その頃、ダニエルとメロディの2人はオーンショーの助けで追手を振り切り、トロッコに乗って線路のはるか向こうへと駆け出して行った。
Incident in San Francisco
Penny Carter
A man who tries to stop a mugging finds himself accused of murdering the criminal after the victim and witnesses fail to corroborate his story. A young reporter believes the man and tries to find out why the parties involved are trying to frame him.
Mrs Penney
Edwin Antony (Hywel Bennett) is emasculated in an accident which kills a young philanderer. Doctors successfully replace his member with that of the dead man, but refuse to tell him the full story of the organ's origin. So Edwin begins a search which takes him to the philanderer's wife - and also to his many, many girlfriends...
Maroc 7
The lady of a top fashion magazine doubles as a jewel thief and becomes involved in Moroccan intrigue.
The Main Chance
A wealthy young layabout tries to double cross the master-crook who has engaged him to do a job.