Camera Operator
殺害事件の手口から捜査線上に浮上したのは、すでに死んだと思われていたソビエト伝説のスパイ“カシウス”だった。犯人はカシウスなのか? 真相を解明するため、CIAは引退した元諜報員ポールと、仕事への情熱に溢れる若きFBI捜査官ギアリーに捜査にあたらせるが……
Second Unit Director of Photography
When a couple of lazy hunter-gatherers are banished from their primitive village, they set off on an epic journey through the ancient world.
Camera Operator
ベトナム戦争の最中、ハルムーア大佐(メルギブソン)とその兵士(約400人)が1965年11月に「死の谷」として知られる地域に上陸しました。 戦争の最も激しい戦いの1つ。
Second Unit Director of Photography
A store clerk and an ice cream truck driver are thrown together when a dying scientist entrusts them with a deadly chemical kept in ice. This chemical will kill every living thing once it melts. They have to take the chemical codenamed 'Elvis' to the next nearest military base while being chased by terrorists who want it to hold the country for ransom.
Second Unit Director of Photography
"B" Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Based upon a true story. Wife with young family finds life becoming unbearable with her successful, but violent and abusive, husband. After filing for divorce, she quickly learns that her husband, through fear of his personal life embarrassing his clients, has commissioned an assassin to murder her before going to court. Unfortunately, for him, the hired assassin turns out to be an FBI agent. The FBI convince her that she must “pretend” to have been murdered in order to prove her husband’s involvement.
Second Unit Director of Photography
Second Unit Cinematographer
Additional Camera
ニューオーリンズの地方検事であるジム・ギャリソンは、昼食中に大統領暗殺の第一報を受けた。しかし、直後に逮捕されるリー・ハーヴェイ・オズワルドという人物に、彼は大多数のアメリカ人とは別のショックを受ける。ニューオーリンズの法曹関係者の間ではオズワルドという男は有名人であったからである。 オズワルドは不思議な過去を持ち、奇行を繰り返し、キューバ人の団体とトラブルを起こしていた人物だった。彼はすぐにこの人物の調査を始めるも、大統領暗殺事件の二日後にさらに事件が起こった。マスコミや大勢の警官がいるさなか、オズワルドが警察署の中でジャック・ルビーという男に射殺されたのだ。
Camera Operator
The members of the Lambda Lambda Lambda fraternity travel to Fort Lauderdale for a fraternity conference. They'll have to beat off the attacks of their rival frat, the Alphas, if they want to maintain their self-respect -- and, of course, if they want to get anywhere with the pretty girls!
Six kids fix up an old calliope named Penelope
Second Unit Director of Photography
Billie Dupree is a flight instructor at an old Texas airport. When a young girl in a wheelchair finds the airport by watching gliders fly, she decides she wants to learn how to fly. Dupree teaches her to fly with some special controls compensating for her handicap. Koup Trenton runs an aircraft repair service and is trying desperately to get an old airplane back in the air. The three, together, put the young girl and the old plane up in the air.