Kathryn Buck


Script Supervisor
Script Supervisor
In the future, medical technology has advanced to the point where people can buy artificial organs to extend their lives. But if they default on payments, an organization known as the Union sends agents to repossess the organs. Remy is one of the best agents in the business, but when he becomes the recipient of an artificial heart, he finds himself in the same dire straits as his many victims.
Flash of Genius
Script Supervisor
In this David vs. Goliath drama based on a true story, college professor Robert Kearns goes up against the giants of the auto industry when they fail to give him credit for inventing intermittent windshield wipers. Kearns doggedly pursues recognition for his invention, as well as the much-deserved financial rewards for the sake of his wife and six kids.
警察署長ジェッシイ・ストーン 湖水に消える
Script Supervisor
When Jesse Stone looks into the murder of a teen-age girl whose body is found floating in a local lake, it brings him up against the Boston mob and into the affluent world of a bestselling writer who exploits troubled teens.
Script Supervisor
警察署長ジェッシイ・ストーン 暗夜を渉る
Script Supervisor
In this prequel to 'Stone Cold,' LA cop, Jesse Stone relocates to a small town only to find himself immersed in one mystery after the other.
Just Friends
Script Supervisor
While visiting his hometown during Christmas, a man comes face-to-face with his old high school crush whom he was best friends with – a woman whose rejection of him turned him into a ferocious womanizer.
Script Supervisor
Script Supervisor
開拓時代の西部を舞台に、誘拐された中国のプリンセスを救うため、J・チェン演じる近衛兵とO・ウィルソン演じるガンマンのコンビが活躍するアクション・アドベンチャー。 1881年、中国・紫禁城からペペ姫が誘拐された。犯人は身代金として金貨10万枚、人質との交換場所をアメリカ・ネヴァダ州カーソン・シティと要求してきた。だが身代金を運ぶためアメリカへ渡った一行は、列車強盗に遭遇。カバン持ちチョン・ウェンは仲間とはぐれるが、荒野の果てで出会ったのは仲間から見放され砂漠に埋められていた列車強盗団のボス、ロイ・オバノンだった。やがて意気投合した二人は、協力してペペ姫を救出しようとする。
Half Baked
Script Supervisor
Three lovable party buds try to bail their friend out of jail. But just when the guys have mastered a plan, everything comes dangerously close to going up in smoke.
Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy
Script Supervisor
A pharmaceutical scientist creates a pill that makes people remember their happiest memory, and although it's successful, it has unfortunate side effects.
To Die For
Script Supervisor
Suzanne Stone wants to be a world-famous news anchor and she is willing to do anything to get what she wants. What she lacks in intelligence, she makes up for in cold determination and diabolical wiles. As she pursues her goal with relentless focus, she is forced to destroy anything and anyone that may stand in her way, regardless of the ultimate cost or means necessary.
Power Pack
Script Supervisor
The Marvel Comics super team comes to life in this unaired pilot. This live action feature has the young heroes tackling the evil Dr. Mobius and still getting home in time to do their chores & homework before mom & dad get home.
Lighthouse Island
Script Supervisor
When a man visits a remote coastal town to buy a pair of silver shoes for his fiancée, he becomes involved in a dangerous bargain with the shopkeeper. He must retrieve a stolen pearl which has the power to transform the shape of whoever possesses it.