Pavel Hrdlička

出生 : 1911-05-15,

死亡 : 1994-07-24


A mysterious woman returns to her mountain village home to confront her painful past. As she tries to uncover the long-buried truth, the local villagers accuse her of witchcraft and murder.
Milenec léta
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Butterflies Do Not Live Here
Director of Photography
A documentary about the life of Jewish children forced to live in the Theresienstadt concentration camp.
Dávným Egyptem
Director of Photography
To Be Alone
Director of Photography
Přišel na návštěvu
Director of Photography
Na stříbrném zrcadle
Director of Photography
Skleněné trubky
Director of Photography
Jedeme na spartakiádu
Director of Photography
Přijďte všichni
Director of Photography
Navrácený hlas
Director of Photography
Marie Svobodová
Director of Photography
Nejde jenom o drát
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Nedělní dostaveníčko
Director of Photography
Maxmilián Švabinský
Director of Photography
Naše nohy
Director of Photography
Národní umělec Josef Lada
Director of Photography
Josef Mánes II.
Director of Photography
Proměny energie
Director of Photography
Jan Evangelista Purkyně
Director of Photography
Národní umělec Václav Vydra
Director of Photography
Nutné zlo
Director of Photography
There were 100,000 of us
Director of Photography
Pepánek nám nepapá
Director of Photography
Ludvík Kuba
Director of Photography
Lenin v Praze
Director of Photography
Josef Mánes
Director of Photography
Píseň jižních Čech
Director of Photography
Léčivé rostliny
Camera Operator
První máj 1950 v Gottwaldově
Camera Operator
Příběh jedné brigády
Director of Photography
Český porcelán I.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Aleš I.
Director of Photography
Aleš II.
Director of Photography
Nejstarší umění
Director of Photography
Letíme do Bombaye
Director of Photography
Píseň o sletu – II. část – Bratři a sestry
Camera Operator
Píseň o sletu – I. část – Mládí
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Bitva pod zemí
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Údolí zdraví a klidu
Director of Photography
Zrcadlo byrokratické 2
Kominík pro štěstí
Director of Photography
Žijí mezi námi
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
O malých pro velké
Director of Photography
A Dead Man among the Living
Camera Operator
Vlak č. 101
Director of Photography
2x Bail
Director of Photography
Čtenáři a jejich svět
Director of Photography
Malá historie
Director of Photography
Horňácká svatba
Director of Photography
Kdo je vinen?
Director of Photography
A Christmas Dream
Director of Photography
Christmas has arrived. As a little girl and her parents enter the room, the little girl finds all kinds of toys under the Christmas Tree. She immediately throws her old doll aside and starts playing with her new dolls. But that night she has a dream. Or maybe it isn't a dream?
Ferda mravenec
Director of Photography
Ferda Mravenec (Ferda The Ant, 1944 ) runs over ten minutes, telling the tale of an ant colony versus a spider. This one is teeming with characters, with impressive animation, fun gags, and a good story.
Tři knoflíky
Director of Photography
Nejvýnosnější prodej
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
An experimental film from Jirí Lehovec, mixing the sound process with animated rhythms.
Bourec morušový
Director of Photography
Hody v Hrubé Vrbce
Director of Photography