Reiko Tajima

Reiko Tajima

出生 : 1949-02-17, Yokosuka, Japan


Reiko Tajima


Thirty-year-old Yoshizumi Sohata (Toruko Miura) has never had any feelings for anyone and does not know what love is. After failing in her aspired career in music, she returns home to work at a call center, where she is busy with her daily duties. With her younger sister married and pregnant, and her mother pressuring her to get a girlfriend, her mother sets up a blind date without her permission. Reluctantly, she heads to the blind date, but there she meets a man who wants to establish a relationship with her as a friend rather than marriage.
TELL ME ~hideと見た景色~
1998年5月2日、X JAPANのギタリストとして、ソロアーティスト(hide with Spread Beaver/zilch)として活躍していた、日本を代表するロックミュージシャンhideが急逝。葬儀には約5万人が訪れ、日本中が早すぎる別れに涙し社会現象に。制作途中だったアルバム、そして既に決定していた全国ツアー、hideの音楽を世に届けたい。hideのマネージャーを務める弟・松本裕士(ひろし)は、兄の意志を形にすべく、hideと二人で楽曲を制作していたhideの共同プロデューサーI.N.A.ら仲間たちとともに動き出す。hide本人不在という異例の状況下で奮闘する裕士とI.N.A.だったが、彼らの前に様々な困難が立ちはだかる…。
A young couple is devastated when their son is killed by a falling tree during a windstorm. As the distraught father begins to look for answers into his son’s death, what appears to be a tragic accident turns out to have been the result of multiple blunders by multiple people.
Yukiko Miura
The body of Shinsuke Maeda, a wealthy older man, is discovered in his garden. While at first glance it appears that he missed his step while exiting into the garden and hit his forehead on a flowerbed rock, it is established that a safe installed in the living room has been emptied. It seems that, the night before, Maeda left the hospital he was staying at of his own will and came home, and was robbed immediately after returning. His daughter Yumie Nagano insists that Chikako Inui, a woman her father had been seeing, must be the perpetrator. She says that Maeda was thinking of getting married to Chikako soon. However, Chikako finds Yumie and her husband suspicious. Troubled by debts incurred by opening their ramen store, they pestered Maeda and he pushed them away. She calmly points out that Maeda gave her a will in which he left all of the 50 million plus yen hidden in the safe to her, so she had no reason to steal from him.
Reiko teaches at an acting school while working as an actress. Her career has stalled, but she gets a chance to appear in a feature film from a theater group friend who is now a famous actor. Reiko is elated, but then she gets a call from her mother Yukie.
Yukiko Miura
The dead body of Maki Tsujimoto, a popular stage actress, is discovered in a theater in Oji. After striking her in the back of the head with a bronze statue prop, the criminal laid the body on the floor and pointed a light at it, "directing" the crime scene as if it were a scene from a play.
農家の嫁 あなたに逢いたくて
Tôkyô: Koko wa Garusu no Machi
Toru is a graduate student who runs a bar in Shinjuku Ni-chome, one of the biggest gay districts in the world. One day, he meets a Korean man named Yong and falls in love...
Masumi Omori
After years of trying, Kyoko and her husband Takehiro are finally pregnant. But their joy at the prospect of becoming parents ends suddenly when they learn Kyoko has stage four cancer. They now must face agonizing decisions that force them to choose between the life of Kyoko or the health of their baby. Adapted from a true story.
December 1999 The article in which the man was arrested was only small on the social side of the newspaper. It was a crime against abandonment and to death. The man put his wife's wife on a wagon car and wandered around Japan for nine months. In the fall of 2000, the diary of hisanori Shimizu, the man arrested, was described in the monthly magazine "Nishio 45", and it was called a big echo. The memorandum, which has been postponed, sold almost 150000 copies of word by word As of 2011, it has been about 2 00000 long sellers.
ほんとにあった怖い話 夏の特別編2008
Summer 2008 special of Scary True Stories (Honto Ni Atta Kowai Hanashi).
クレヨンしんちゃん 伝説を呼ぶ 踊れ!アミーゴ!
Amiga Suzuki (voice)
A human drama by director Ryôta Sakamaki which realistically depicts the daily lives of three men and women suffering from heart illness.
ハッピーバースデー 命かがやく瞬間
Shizuyo Fujiwara
After being abused by her mother physically and mentally Asuka gets taken in by her grandparents. Slowly she learns her own worth as a human being and overcomes many obstacles.
Lady Aoi (voice)
Genji, the son of the emperor, is the talk of the Kyoto nobility for his charm and good looks, yet he cannot stop himself from pursuing an unobtainable object of desire: his father's young and beautiful bride. Following the tragic consequences of his obsession, Genji wanders from one affair to another, always seeking some sort of completion to his life.
A boy seeks manhood in joining his school’s militaristic cheer squad.
Saeko Nogawa
An old woman has died and her widower with dementia confesses to killing her. After this, the story goes back in time to show the events leading up to her death.
Mitsu Tamura
A woman fears for the safety of her fiance after his three brothers mysteriously disappear.
Can't find an English synopsis. Ooku Special that aired May 13th, 1983 on Fuji TV.
Queen of Aquarius
Queen Emeraldas
松本零士原作の人気SFアニメを映画化。己が信ずるもののために生涯をかけて戦い続ける男「キャプテン・ハーロック」を主人公に大宇宙を舞台に描く壮大なSFロマン。 原作・企画・構成を松本零士、監督を勝間田具治が担当。
さよなら銀河鉄道999 -アンドロメダ終着駅-
Emeraldas (voice)
アンドロメダへの旅を終え、地球に戻ってきた鉄郎は、機械人間との戦争に身を投じていた。ある日、メーテルからメッセージが届き、再び乗り込んだ999号の最初の停車駅“ラーメタルでレジスタンスの少年 ミャウダーというと知り合い友情を深める。ミャウダーは鉄郎にメーテルが機械化帝国の女王の座を継いだという不可解な情報を教える。
Oscar François de Jarjeyes (voice)
In its 22 minutes, the TV special briefly covers the influential women involved in the series, such as DuBarry, Polignac, Rosalie, Jeanne La Motte, Maria Antoinette, and Oscar. All the scenes used are taken from the series.
Tori Hagure
Jun has come to Tokyo from his family home, an island which resembles a ship. He works in a machine shop and is attempting to develop a career as a cartoonist in his spare time. When he travels around the town by subway, he has grown into the habit of groping female passengers in a sexual way. They never denounce him, and many seem to respond very favorably, moaning in apparent ecstasy. However, when his girlfriend sees him doing this, she denounces him to the police. The woman he was groping at the time refuses to press charges; indeed, she says that what was happening was nobody's business. Still, Jun's girlfriend leaves him. He goes to his father's grave to pay his respects, but somehow cannot find it. On his way back, he sees a number of men molesting a woman and does nothing to stop them. Eventually his girlfriend comes back to him, and his indulgence in train-groping tapers off.
Emeraldas (voice)
大人気のSFファンタジーTVアニメ『銀河鉄道999』のスペシャル編。その第2弾。  銀河鉄道999号は海賊が出没する宇宙空間に備えて、強大な火力の装甲車輌を連結した。だがその装甲車輌を破壊し、鉄郎とメーテルを己の船に呼び込んだ者がいる。それは真紅のドクロを己の紋章とする、宇宙の女海賊クイーン・エメラルダス。メーテルとも深い絆で結ばれた女傑だった。だがメーテルは、目前のエメラルダスがいつもの彼女ではないと察知した!  TV版22話「海賊船クイーン・エメラルダス」を再構成した内容。今回は30分枠の挿話を、1時間枠の特別編にブローアップしている。松本零士世界の2大ヒロイン、エメラルダスとメーテルの過去の確執と友情が本アニメ版独自の視点で語られるほか、過去のエメラルダスの海賊の日々も描かれた。なお原型であるTV版第22話ではエメラルダスの声は谷育子だったが、本スペシャルではおなじみの田島令子が担当した。
Emeraldas (voice)
Saeko Kanagusuku
A sentimental drama about aspiring artist, Eiji, who rescues a blind girl. His friends Goro and Minoru and the blind girl's sister Kazue are a happy group until Goro steals money from Kazue's purse. Goro is arrested and his friends start bothering Eiji. To escape their harassment he changes jobs. But then he becomes the victim of an unexpected accident.
山梨県警本部の強行犯捜査係は3つの班で構成された最強の捜査集団。班長は“冷血”の楠見昌平(松重豊)、“閃き”の村瀬恭一(岸谷五朗)、そして一番の検挙率を誇る一班の“笑わない男・青鬼”朽木泰正(仲村トオル)といういずれも曲者揃いだ。朽木の推薦で一班配属となった若手刑事の矢代勲(風間俊介)は、普段こそ周囲に明るく振舞っているが、実はあるトラウマで心から笑えなくなっていた――。 そんな折、厚木北署管内でホームレスが青酸カリで毒殺されたとの一報が。朽木は16年前の事件との関連を疑う。被害者の息子を唆して酒に青酸カリを混入させ殺害した未解決事件だ。厚木北署の刑事課課長・安川(神尾佑)の話では、被害者はスズキ(山本浩司)と名乗っていたが身元は不明だという。だが事件3日前に目撃された不審者の似顔絵を見た矢代は驚く。サングラス、口ひげ…なんと16年前の犯人とされる似顔絵とあまりに酷似していたのだ――。