Carl Christian Raabe


Set in the beautiful winter landscape of Norway, Haunted follows Catherine as she travels back to her old family estate after her father's death. When locals start telling stories of disappearances and possible murders, she is forced to confront her family's mysterious past.
ファイティング・ダディ 怒りの除雪車
Still Photographer
Upstanding community leader Nils has just won an award for "Citizen of the Year" when he learns the news that his son has died of a heroin overdose. Suspecting foul play, Nils begins to investigate, and soon finds himself at the center of an escalating underworld gang war between Serbian drug dealers and a sociopathic criminal mastermind known only as “The Count.”
Still Photographer
Still Photographer
An accomplished headhunter risks everything to obtain a valuable painting owned by a former mercenary.