Based on a delinquent battle-themed video game series - a high school senior named Takashi the toughest fighter at Rashin High School. When he travels to Tokyo during a class field trip, he’s almost immediately attacked by a local thug. Takashi dispatches his opponent with ease, but he soon discovers gang leaders from all over Japan have gathered for a massive battle to determine who the toughest badass fighter is. During battle scenes, various recognizable fight moves from the game are incorporated for comic relief.
Love Diving, a visual kei band worked mainly on the opening act of a senior band, aims for a major debut. One day, the vocalist Shin refuses his major debut without consulting the members, and the members become antipathetic. They then decide to participate in a contest called "tycon" which promises them a major debut and commercial tie-up.
Hibiki (Hiroki Aiba) is a genius dancer and leader. Serlin is a patissier and the son of a priest. Kotocchi is a Japanese harp fortune teller. One day at the unusual cafe where these three work at, Gaku joins them to realize his dream. Which is to become a patssier who can make others happy. Four popular young actors unite for this production.