Studio Teacher
Studio Teacher
Akeelah is a precocious 11-year-old girl from south Los Angeles with a gift for words. Despite her mother's objections, Akeelah enters various spelling contests, for which she is tutored by the forthright Dr. Larabee, her principal Mr. Welch, and the proud residents of her neighborhood. Akeelah's aptitude earns her an opportunity to compete for a spot in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Studio Teachers
フロール(パスベガ)はメキシコ人で、娘により良い生活を送るために米国に移住します。 そこに到着すると、彼女は英語の知識の欠如がもたらす障壁にもかかわらず、裕福な家族であるクラスキース(アダムサンドラーとティーレオニ)の家で仕事を得ます。
Studio Teachers
Studio Teachers
田舎の鉱山町の住民は、不幸な化学物質の流出により、何百もの小さなクモが一晩でSUVのサイズに変異したことを発見しました。 その後、鉱山技師のクリス・マコーマックと保安官のサム・パーカーが、保安官の幼い息子のマイク、娘のアシュリー、そしてパラノイアのラジオアナウンサーのハーランを含む町民の折衷的なグループを動員して、血に飢えた8本足の獣と戦う。
Studio Teacher
A renegade general plots to bomb Washington using a new top secret jet called the Storm Catcher. The only trouble is only one man is capable of flying it. So they seek to put him on the run in a conspiracy that makes him appear to have murdered several men and stolen the plane. Then try to murder his wife and take his daughter prisoner. Threatening to kill his daughter if he doesn't help, he appears trapped. However, his best friend who is the plane's computer specialist has a few tricks up his sleeve.