Abraham Popoola

Abraham Popoola


Abraham Popoola is an actor and director, known for Electric Dreams (2017), Les Misérables (2018) and A Christmas Carol (2019).


Abraham Popoola
Abraham Popoola


ディズニーの名作アニメ「101匹わんちゃん」に登場するヴィラン(悪役)“クルエラ”の誕生秘話を「ラ・ラ・ランド」のエマ・ストーン主演で実写映画化したエンタテインメント大作。70年代のロンドンを舞台に、ファッション・デザイナーを夢見て都会にやって来た少女が、いかにして冷酷非道な悪女“クルエラ”へと変貌していったかをパンクかつスタイリッシュに描き出す。共演はエマ・トンプソン、マーク・ストロング。監督は「ラースと、その彼女」「アイ,トーニャ 史上最大のスキャンダル」のクレイグ・ギレスピー。  親を亡くした少女エステラは、ファッション・デザイナーを目指してパンクムーブメント吹き荒れるロンドンへとやって来る。そしてロンドンで最も有名な百貨店リバティに潜り込んだ彼女は、やがて伝説的なカリスマ・デザイナーのバロネスに出会うと、その斬新な発想力と度胸の良さを買われ、彼女の下で働き始めるのだったが…。
ジングル・ジャングル ~魔法のクリスマスギフト~
Mr. Rogers
An imaginary world comes to life in a holiday tale of an eccentric toymaker, his adventurous granddaughter, and a magical invention that has the power to change their lives forever.
A Christmas Carol
London, 1843. Ebenezer Scrooge, a bitter old man, despises the Christmas holiday. Over the course of Christmas Eve night he is visited by three ghosts to show him his past, present and future.
National Theatre Live: Julius Caesar
Trebonius, Conspirator/Street Band
Caesar returns in triumph to Rome and the people pour out of their homes to celebrate. Alarmed by the autocrat’s popularity, the educated élite conspire to bring him down. After his assassination, civil war erupts on the streets of the capital. Nicholas Hytner’s production will thrust the audience into the street party that greets Caesar’s return, the congress that witnesses his murder, the rally that assembles for his funeral and the chaos that explodes in its wake.
Ackee & Saltfish
Assistant Director
Olivia and Rachel go to pick up takeaway food after Rachel forgets to soak the saltfish.
The film follows Atlas, a woman fighting for humanity in a future where an AI soldier has determined the only way to end war is to end humanity. To outthink this rogue AI, Atlas must work with the one thing she fears most — another AI.