The horror begins as Ayla and her high-school friends discover a hideous, semi-human mutant. They keep it prisoner while shooting repulsive viral videos, but the gang’s hunger for “likes” drives them to film the beast performing murderous acts. When one boy sees that Ayla is using the monster’s gruesome violence to settle her own vendettas, he threatens to tell the authorities, but is he too late to save his friends?
After losing his wife during the birth of his second child, Levi is thrust into raising two young girls, alone. However, when forced to borrow money from a ruthless loan shark, he must fight to save his family and the home his family was made in.
Detective Barnes
Suspecting his wife of infidelity, Jerry is persuaded by his best friend to accompany him to a brothel to sample ‘The Special’, which proves to be a lifechanging experience in more ways than one. Because every pleasure has its price...
Peter Graham
Peter Graham talks to a demon who promises to make his wildest dreams come true - but it comes at a horrific price.
Richard Scott
Teenagers With Attitude is a new update version of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers re-imagined.