The Distance tells the unlikely and inspirational story of a charismatic coach named Yoshio Koide and his star long-distance running pupil, Naoko Takahashi, as they try to overcome decades of Japanese disappointment and heartbreak in the marathon with a run for the ages at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, resulting in a gold-medal win.
In October 2011, Michael Woodford was suddenly ousted as CEO of Olympus Corporation, a multi-billion dollar Japanese optical company. What followed was international media furor which exposed one of the biggest scandals in Japanese corporate history. The film chronicles the saga of egregious corporate malefactors and a doomed East-West clash.
In October 2011, Michael Woodford was suddenly ousted as CEO of Olympus Corporation, a multi-billion dollar Japanese optical company. What followed was international media furor which exposed one of the biggest scandals in Japanese corporate history. The film chronicles the saga of egregious corporate malefactors and a doomed East-West clash.
Kyoko is an aspiring writer whose artistic vision is yet to be formed. When her girlfriend Rie asks her to move in with her, Kyoko begins to wonder about their uncertain future as a lesbian couple in Tokyo.
Kyoko is an aspiring writer whose artistic vision is yet to be formed. When her girlfriend Rie asks her to move in with her, Kyoko begins to wonder about their uncertain future as a lesbian couple in Tokyo.