Toru Hayashi


大奥 最終章
Kume tries to protect her husband Tokugawa Yoshimune and their three children from the schemes of the inner palace of Edo Castle.
Kagerô Ezu
After the sudden death of her adoptive father Shimada Mataemon, Nui, whose own father met an untimely death when he was about to expose the corruption of the shogunate becomes determined to expose the collusion between Kannouji, and the unforgivable relationships between the ladies in waiting of the inner palace and the monks. Nui is undertaking this undercover investigation without regard for the danger she is putting herself in, for the sake of Shinnosuke whom she secretly loves
Kagerô Ezu
After the sudden death of her adoptive father Shimada Mataemon, Nui, whose own father met an untimely death when he was about to expose the corruption of the shogunate becomes determined to expose the collusion between Kannouji, and the unforgivable relationships between the ladies in waiting of the inner palace and the monks. Nui is undertaking this undercover investigation without regard for the danger she is putting herself in, for the sake of Shinnosuke whom she secretly loves
A series of suspicious deaths, starting with that of her boyfriend Kawazu Masayuki, prompts mystery novelist Yuki Rikako to investigate. She discovers that all the victims were once passengers on the same cruise ship a year ago and involved in an accident that left one man dead. Rikako must find out what really happened during that outing before more casualties result.
高級住宅地にある大豪邸・堂島家。主人である堂島建設社長・新之助(団時朗)の65歳の誕生日を祝うため、親族が集まっていた。集まったのは、堂島家の長女・桐生苑子(奥貫薫)、苑子の夫で堂島建設社長秘書の直明(宇梶剛士)、堂島家次女・堂島貴和子(国分佐智子)、堂島家三女・堂島あかり(仲間由紀恵)、堂島家長男・堂島大輔(田中幸太朗)、大輔の婚約者・水谷香苗(上原美佐)、そして堂島家と家族ぐるみの付き合いのある加納拓真(山本耕史)、さらに家政婦の野村清美(西尾まり)と堂島邸でのパーティーでは毎回腕をふるう元コック・宮本茂(火野正平)がいた。 しかし、パーティー直前に新之助は、書斎の窓から飛び降りて死亡してしまう。津由木(小日向文世)や田神(伊阪達也)ら田園調布東署の刑事が捜査にあたり、親族や堂島邸のすぐそばに住む新之助付きの運転手・松浦(きたろう)などにも話を聞いた結果、新之助の死は自殺としていったん処理された。 そして初七日の法要に再び集まる親族一同。悲しみにくれる堂島家だったが、そこでも宮本、貴和子、松浦と、3人もが次々に謎の死を遂げ、連続殺人事件へと発展する。謎に包まれた事件の真相を究明するべく、刑事たちが本格的な捜査を開始。結果、意外な真犯人と悲しい真実が浮かび上がる・・・!!
仕掛人 藤枝梅安
An adaptation of the Shotaro Ikenami novels, set in the historical Edo period, and centered on Fujieda Bayan, a medicine man and doctor by day, but ruthless killer for hire by night. His tools of the trade are the same in either job: acupuncture needles that leave no trace.