Ma Jingjing

Ma Jingjing

出生 : 1981-07-18,


Ma Jingjing
Ma Jingjing


Big Mouth Ma
Miao Ji
Just Another Margin
Just Another Margin is a 2014 Chinese comedy film directed by Jeffrey Lau and starring Betty Sun, Ronald Cheng, Ekin Cheng and Alex Fong. The story centers on celestial beings who come down to earth affecting the people in unexpected ways.
ライズ・オブ・シードラゴン 謎の鉄の爪
Touba Lie
The Great Magician
Zhang Xian's Associate
In the years after the Revolution, China broken up into fiefdoms held by warlords, who are busy fighting each other. One warlord has imprisoned a girl and wants her to be his seventh wife, but he's too honorable to force her. The local revolutionaries wants to kill him and bring back the republic. But when a stranger returns from abroad with mastery of magic to recover the girl he loved, who is tricking whom and who will win at the end?
Kung Fu Hip Hop 2
Boss Ye
Qingdao, Shandong province, China, the present day. Letian, leader of hip-hop dance group Encore, meets rich kid Mianmian when she enrols at a dance studio where he teaches. Mianmian's Latin dance partner-cum-fiance Ranqiu has asked her to take hip-hop lessons to expand her style so they can make a splash at a forthcoming competition in the U.S. Things don't go well at the start between the easygoing Letian and snooty Mianmian, and meanwhile Encore loses one of its key dancers, Wang Zi, when he signs a management contract with local dance-club owner Ye in order to pay his mother's medical bills. Between romancing Mianmian, Letian has to prove that Encore still has the goods.
Tracing Shadow
Five kung-fu masters from different regions are fighting ruthlessly for a mysterious treasure map inside the Ming Palace; while they are all tangled in wild combat, the precious map unexpectedly disappears.
レッドクリフ Part II ―未来への最終決戦―
General Wei Ben
レッドクリフ Part I
Wei Ben
三国時代の中国。漢の丞相の曹操(のちの魏の礎を築いた)は、北部を平定した後、南部も制圧するために兵を進める。その目的は、天下統一に邪魔な劉備・孫権の抹殺だけでなく、今は周瑜の妻となった天下一の美人小喬の奪取にもあった。荊州にいた劉備軍は南下して軍を立て直そうとするが、途中の当陽県長坂にて追いつかれ、敗走する。 夏口へ逃げた劉備は、部下の諸葛亮(孔明)の提案に従い、孔明を孫権(のちに呉を建国)のもとへ派遣する。孔明は孫権の総司令である周瑜と意気投合し、2つの勢力は共に曹操と戦う同盟を結ぶ。孫権は数万の軍勢を派遣し、劉備軍とともに長江の赤壁付近で曹操軍と相対し、両者互いに決戦のために水軍と陸軍を動かすのだった。
Yuanjia's disciple
Huo Yuan Jia became the most famous martial arts fighter in all of China at the turn of the 20th Century. Huo faced personal tragedy but ultimately fought his way out of darkness, defining the true spirit of martial arts and also inspiring his nation. The son of a great fighter who didn't wish for his child to follow in his footsteps, Huo resolves to teach himself how to fight - and win.
Lost in Wusong