Karola Hawk


Sol de medianoche
Costume Design
Manolo is a private detective who specializes in adultery cases. Commissioned by one of the victims, he takes photos and videos of adulterous couples in fraganti. He often attempts double-schemes, however, by sending the evidence to the other victim, in an attempt to exploit and benefit from both parts.
Riding 79
A coming of age story about a 16-year-old boy who finds himself searching for escape in the island of Puerto Rico after his mother leaves him and his sister with his grandparents in a surf town. His fascination with a hula hoop model leads him to steal his grandfather’s car to meet the object of his affection in person.
Riding 79
A coming of age story about a 16-year-old boy who finds himself searching for escape in the island of Puerto Rico after his mother leaves him and his sister with his grandparents in a surf town. His fascination with a hula hoop model leads him to steal his grandfather’s car to meet the object of his affection in person.
ワイルド・スピード MEGA MAX
Set Costumer
麻薬王のブラガの逮捕に貢献したドミニクであるが、裁判において懲役25年の判決を言い渡される。だが護送中にブライアンと妹・ミアの手により逃亡に成功し、国際指名手配される。 ブラジルのリオデジャネイロに逃亡したブライアンとミアは昔の仲間のヴィンスと再会。麻薬取締局の押収した車の窃盗の仕事をする事になり、そこにドミニクも合流するが、仲間の裏切りにより襲われてしまう。その理由は、ドミニク達が盗んだ車に隠されたリオデジャネイロで最も強い権力をもつ悪徳実業家、エルナン・レイエスの闇金の流れを記録したマイクロチップにあった。 そんな中、ミアがブライアンの子を身籠もった事を知ったドミニクは、過去を消して家族で静かに暮らすのに必要な資金と資格を得る為に、レイエスの闇金1億ドルを強奪する計画を立てて世界中から過去、様々なヤマで出会った色々な分野の凄腕プロを集める。レイエスと癒着した警察署の金庫という突破困難な場所に隠されている現金を、彼らを執拗に追うホブスの米警官部隊やレイエスの手下の攻撃をかわしつつ、強奪する事が果たして出来るのか。
Second Honeymoon
A couple, secretly on the verge of announcing plans to divorce, reluctantly depart for a second honeymoon after their family surprises them with a tropical trip as a gift for their 20th wedding anniversary.