Fabiola Ramos


My Blood is Red
A young indigenous rapper tries to find his identity amidst the genocide of his people.
Beyond The Mountain
Miguel is a lonely boy letting his life pass by in a monotonous routine. He works in a public kiosk, takes care of his mother Consuelo and dreams with Carmela's love, one of his usual clients. One day, this perfect bubble of dissatisfaction pops when his mother dies. The tragic event, forces him to face his past and to make a radical decision: find the father that abandoned them, with the intention to kill him.
In order to save her son's life, Ana embarks on a quest to find a powerful stone from the Zone of Silence in Mexico. Someone finds out the power the stone possesses and believes it is a power worth killing for.
Sound Recordist
A group of elderly people gather at night to play bingo. Mario loses every time and has become obsessed with the game. Fortune accompanies him outside the room to show him that luck rules his life and that of the elderly group; but Mario will not accept losing this time.
Open Cage
The economy has collapsed. In a universe of moral and economic impoverishment, we find Flavia, a spoiled teenager with artistic aspirations that are somewhat frustrated when she is not accepted at the University. Her neighbor Martin, a mature man with rigid routines, is her antipode. When Flavia meets Martin, there are sparks of friction at all times, and the situation is unlikely to get any better.
The Contreras Family
Sequence Supervisor
This is the story of a dysfunctional family in which each member engages in an illicit activity, but they don't know this about each other. One day, the Contreras family witnesses a police operation outside the building in which they live and, believing that they are coming for them, each member decides to hide incriminating objects in their room.
The Prize
Sequence Supervisor
Ceci, a seven year old girl, has to keep a huge secret, but she doesn't completely understand what is the secret about. The life of her family depends on her silence. But what exactly must she keep silent about? Ceci and her mom live hidden from military repression in Argentina. Ceci asks herself: what must she say? What should she really believe and do in order to deserve the love of her mother and others?