Joe Ambrose

出生 : 1931-04-07, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Second Hobo
1930年代、ジャズ全盛期のシカゴ。ジプシージャズの天才ギタリストのエメット・レイは、崇拝するギタリストジャンゴ・ラインハルトの演奏が世界一で、自分は2番目に天才だと信じている。そんな彼は音楽に生きる反面、裏社会でも顔が通じ、娼婦の元締め、女遊び好きと自堕落な人生を送ってきた。 彼はニュージャージー州の海辺で友人ビルとの賭けに負け、仕方なくナンパした小柄で口のきけない女性ハッティと付き合うようになる。エメットの弾くギターに心惹かれたハッティは彼を愛すようになり、はじめは遊びのつもりだったエメットも辛くあたりつつも、素朴で優しい彼女に惹かれていく。 しかし、上流階級の女性ブランチに出会い惹かれた彼はハッティと別れ突然結婚するが、2人の共通点は派手好きなところ位で愛には乏しく、ブランチはいつしかジャズクラブの用心棒アルと不倫するようになっていった。
General Parker
The special commando Delta Force is sent behind the line of fire into the terrain of the enemy. Their mission goal is to destroy a base where the enemies prepare a new weapon: a combat helicopter.
Blue Vengeance
Chief Cunningham
A delusional and murderous psychopath escapes from prison and tracks down the members of his favorite, now-defunct metal band to punish them for selling out. Meanwhile, the cop who originally put him away defies a disbelieving police force and teams up with a pretty punk photographer to take him out.
Search and Destroy
SEARCH AND DESTROY (1988) - Terrorists destroy a chemical factory. A virus is released that infects the people of the town with a strange psychosis. Stars Joe Ambrose, Tom Banks and Peter Drinco
Covert Action
Director Cunningham
Inside the stately Senate Hearing Room, Frank White, professional soldier, Vietnam vet and CIA operative, is fighting the toughest battle of his life: he's on trial for the assassination of Miguel Rivera, a Central American diplomat. Only two men could have made the shot - White or his friend Rick Burns, ex-military sniper now working as a Mafia hitman. Testimony unravels the intricate web created by Rivera and Daniel Waterman, head of an international cartel dabbling in both Latin American Politics and cocaine.