Assistant Art Director
Art Department Coordinator
While other kids buy into countless hours of studying just so they can get a mark in some teacher's report book, Handsome Davis sees it as nothing more than a system of control over your mind. That's why Handsome and his three best friends Sammy, Victor and the cribsheet genius Applebee have banded together and found ways to cheat on their tests all through their school years.
Art Department Coordinator
突如起こった飛行機墜落事故。だが予知夢によって一命を取りとめたアレックスと6人のクラスメートは書き換えることができない《死》の定めに再び直面する。運命は、未来は変えられるのか? そして迫りくる《死》の呪縛から逃れることはできるのか?姿の見えない《死》が人々を襲うサスペンスホラー。