UNSC(地球軍)内で絶大な権限を持つ謎に包まれた部門、ONI(海軍情報局)の有能なエージェントであるジェイムソン・ロックの物語。ロックと彼の仲間は、地球から遠く離れた植民惑星セドラにおけるテロ活動の調査中に、生物兵器による凄惨な攻撃に見舞われる。ロック率いる ONI のエージェントたちは、戦闘経験は豊富だが、ONI に強い不信感を抱く現地指揮官、ランダル・エーケンと行動を共にすることを余儀なくされる。任務の過程で発見した古代の恐るべきアーティファクトをめぐる戦いに巻き込まれ、忠誠心と生死の狭間で究極の選択を迫られることになる。
Paralysed from the waist down after a car crash, Julie Hill struggles to get used to her disability and to save her marriage. It looks as if her husband will leave her. Then doctors try a revolutionary treatment which feeds electrical impulses to her leg muscles - allowing her to ride a bicycle once again and so go out for bike rides with her family. Her marriage survives and she and her husband end up closer together than before.
An alcoholic falls in love with a Salvation Army captain who is trying to help him.
First Assistant Editor
Slice-of-life look at a sweet working-class couple in London, Shirley and Cyril, his mother, who's aging quickly and becoming forgetful, mum's ghastly upper-middle-class neighbors, and Cyril's pretentious sister and philandering husband. Shirley wants a baby, but Cyril, who reads Marx and wants the world to be perfect, is reluctant. Cyril's mum locks herself out and must ask her snooty neighbors for help. Then Cyril's sister Valerie stages a surprise party for mum's 70th birthday, a disaster from start to finish. Shirley holds things together, and she and Cyril may put aside her Dutch cap after all.