Chuck Gaspar

出生 : 1938-01-25,

死亡 : 2009-01-15


Special Effects Supervisor
Special Effects Supervisor
Visual Effects Coordinator
A daring prison break from an airliner at 30,000 feet leaves U.S. Marshal Pete Nessip mourning a brother and gunning for revenge. After being ordered to turn in his badge, he seeks out Jessie Crossman, a noted skydiver, and offers to sponsor her crew for the annual Independence Day parachuting show in Washington, D.C., if she trains him. Meanwhile, the mastermind behind the mid-air jailbreak is planning a daring computer theft on Independence Day.
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
Special Effects Coordinator
To the Los Angeles elite, Ford Fairlane is known as "Mr. Rock 'n' Roll Detective." This loudmouthed ladies' man serves an exclusive rock star clientele, who depend on his keen eye and smug discretion. So when a heavy-metal musician dies mid-concert, Fairlane is on the case before the lights come up. But things turn shocking when radio personality Johnny Crunch hires Fairlane to find a missing groupie mere hours before he is electrocuted live on air.
Special Effects
Special Effects Coordinator
Special Effects Coordinator
Andie Bergstrom, an astronaut eagerly awaiting her first trip to space, runs a summer camp for teenagers with her NASA-employed husband, Zach. One night during an engine test, Andie and four teenage campers are accidentally shot into space. Together, the group -- which includes Kathryn, a pilot-in-training, and Tish, a ditz with a perfect memory -- must work together to operate the spacecraft and return home.
Special Effects Coordinator
Pee-wee's Big Adventure
Special Effects Supervisor
The eccentric and childish Pee-wee Herman embarks on a big adventure when his beloved bicycle is stolen. Armed with information from a fortune-teller and a relentless obsession with his prized possession, Pee-wee encounters a host of odd characters and bizarre situations as he treks across the country to recover his bike.
Special Effects
Special Effects Supervisor
来るロサンゼルスオリンピックに向けてのテロ対策と警備強化を名目に、カリフォルニア州当局は陸軍と合同で秘密裏に攻撃ヘリコプター「ザ・スペシャル」ことブルーサンダーを開発し、ロサンゼルス市警察に配備した。 州当局の意向で運用試験のパイロットに選ばれたベトナム帰りの警察航空隊員フランク・マーフィーは、コンビを組む航空観測員・ライマングッドを伴ったブルーサンダーのテスト飛行中に、連邦地方庁舎の一室で行なわれていた州政府関係者の密議を盗聴、録画してしまう。それは、ブルーサンダーの能力をアピールするためのヒスパニック地区での暴動煽動、また反対派を暗殺する「ソア(THOR= Tactical Helicopter Offensive Response 戦術ヘリ攻撃対応)計画:騒乱鎮圧への軍用ヘリ活用」に関するものだった。しかも、ベトナム時代の上官でブルーサンダーの開発にも携わる陸軍大佐・コクランが陰謀に一枚噛んでおり、直前に起きていた市議会委員長殺害事件に絡む謎の言葉“THOR”はこの陰謀の事だった。 コクランらは証拠隠滅のためにライマングッドを殺害、マーフィーにその容疑がかけられる。マーフィーはブルーサンダーを強奪して逃走すると、別居中の妻ケイトにライマングッドが死の直前に隠した密議の録画ビデオをテレビ局の報道キャスター・ヒューイットに渡すよう託し、自らはロサンゼルス上空で権力と、そしてコクランの乗る軍用ヘリとの孤独な闘いを繰り広げる。
Special Effects
ソビエト連邦が、それまでの戦闘機を凌駕する高性能な新型戦闘機「MiG-31 ファイヤーフォックス」を開発したとの情報がNATOにもたらされる。これに衝撃を受け、軍事バランスが崩れることを恐れたNATO各国は対抗すべく戦闘機の開発を検討するが、間に合いそうもない。そのため、その技術を機体もろとも盗み出すことを決定し、ロシア語をネイティブで話し、考えることができる元米空軍パイロット、ミッチェル・ガントに白羽の矢を立てたのであった。
Nine to Five
Special Effects
Frank Hart is a pig. He takes advantage in the grossest manner of the women who work with him. When his three assistants manage to trap him in his own house they assume control of his department and productivity leaps, but just how long can they keep Hart tied up?
Special Effects
Special Effects
A tough-guy cop pursues two drug runners across the city to bust a large syndicate. Very much an anti-hero, Mitchell often ignores the orders of his superiors and demonstrates disdain for by-the-book development work as well as normal social graces.
Special Effects
レイモンド・チャンドラーの傑作ハードボイルド小説をノスタルジックな雰囲気で映画化。名優ロバート・ミッチャムが孤高のヒーロー・フィリップ・マーロウを演じるハードボイルド・ミステリー。 1941年のロサンゼルス。ある女性の調査を依頼された私立探偵マーロウは、わずかな手がかりをもとに行方を追う。調査が難航するなか、マーロウは次々と事件に巻き込まれ、命まで狙われる。警察にも追われながら、事件の核心に迫る。
Black Noon
Prop Maker
Reverend John Keyes and his wife, Lorna, on their way to a new congregation out west, break down in the desert and are rescued by the residents of a nearby town. At first warm and welcoming, the townspeople become more and more solicitous of John and insistent that he stay on as their minister, against the wishes of Lorna, who goes unheeded and slowly becomes deathly ill. Will John realize the danger before it is too late?
Black Noon
Special Effects
Reverend John Keyes and his wife, Lorna, on their way to a new congregation out west, break down in the desert and are rescued by the residents of a nearby town. At first warm and welcoming, the townspeople become more and more solicitous of John and insistent that he stay on as their minister, against the wishes of Lorna, who goes unheeded and slowly becomes deathly ill. Will John realize the danger before it is too late?
The Happy Ending
Special Effects
The triumphs and failures of middle age as seen through the eyes of runaway American housewife Mary Wilson, a woman who believes that ultimate reality exists above and beyond the routine procedures of conscious, uninspired, everyday life. She feels cheated by an older generation that taught her to settle for nothing less than storybook finales, people who are disillusioned and restless and don't know why, people for whom life holds no easy answers.
Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows
Special Effects
Mother Superior of St. Francis Academy is challenged by a modern young nun when they take the girls on a bus trip across the country.