Kenji Nakazono

出生 : 1952-10-27, Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 2013-10-06


The prominent lawyer Kinya Ohtsuka looks over the case of the falsely indicted man who was sentenced to life imprisonment and then committed suicide while incarcerated. One year ago, the prominent lawyer rebuffed the efforts of Kiriko Yanagida to represent her brother. Kiriko Yanagida now works as a hostess in Tokyo while planning revenge on those responsible for her brother's imprisonment.
松本清張ドラマスペシャル: 顔
松本清張生誕100年にあたり、清張の原点ともいえる傑作短編「顔」をドラマ化。 昭和31年・東京。売れない劇団俳優・井野良吉(谷原章介)は、ある映画に端役で出演する。その独特の風貌が注目され、同じ劇団の看板女優・葉山瞳(原田夏希)が主演する大作映画の相手役に抜擢される。一躍、スターへの道を歩み始めた井野。しかし井野には、映画が注目され、自分の「顔」が売れるのを恐れる理由があった。9年前、井野は恋仲だった山田ミヤ子(原田夏希・二役)という女を殺した。殺害現場へ向かう列車の中で、ミヤ子と一緒にいる所を、偶然、ミヤ子の知り合いの石岡貞三郎(高橋和也)という男に目撃されていたのだ。ミヤ子を殺し、逃げるように上京してから9年。もし石岡が映画で自分の「顔」を見たら、ひた隠しにしてきた過去の殺人が暴かれてしまう。しかし、このチャンスを逃したくはない。名声をつかみ取りたいという欲望と、破滅への恐怖の狭間でゆれる井野の心に、いつしか一つのシナリオが芽生えていく。
Kintaro is a reformed delinquent, the former leader of a biker gang who has gone straight. Working at a construction company, his unorthodox tactics cause trouble with his colleagues. He is transferred to a tiny countryside branch, where he butts heads with his lazy superior until the two men discover a plot by the competition to put the construction company out of bussiness. With the help of his old biker friends, Kintaro prepares to confront the masterminds behind the scheme.
Hotondo is a capable lawyer who is about to marry his girlfriend Mayumi. However, during a trial, Mayumi is involved in an accident and tragically dies. Hotondo investigates the suspicious circumstances surrounding her death, but falls into a mysterious trap and is sentenced to two years in prison. Two years later, Hotondo is released and discovers that the medical corporation Atsumito-kai is involved in Mayumi's death.