Ken Blancato


Max 2: White House Hero
Max is assigned to the White House while Butch, the secret service dog, is on maternity leave. He meets TJ, a 12 year old boy, who is the President's son. Due to his father's high profile, he is trying hard to fit in and lead a normal life. During a state visit by the Russian President and his daughter, Alexandra (Alex), TJ is asked to accompany her, during their stay. TJ befriends Alex, but when they get into trouble, Max comes to the rescue!
A dog that helped soldiers in Afghanistan returns to the U.S. and is adopted by his handler's family after suffering a traumatic experience.
第二次世界大戦前夜の1938年、リーゼルは弟に先立たれ、ミュンヘン近郊の田舎町へ里子に出されて母と別々に暮らすことになる。里親のハンスはリーゼルが「墓掘り人の手引き」という奇妙な本を肌身離さず持っていることから、彼女が字を読めないことに気が付き、本を読み聞かせるようになる。そして、リーゼルは読み書きを学び、たくさんの本を通じて知識だけでなく、勇気と希望を与えられるのだった。 しかし、折りしもドイツはナチスによって自由を奪われ、本を読むことすら禁じられる。ある日リーゼルは、反ユダヤ主義の暴動が激化する広場で焼かれた大量の本の中から、焼け残った1冊の本をこっそりと持ち帰るのだが・・・。
Stewardess School
A group of varied misfits (including a former prostitute/stripper and a bumbler who can't see more than 6 inches in front of his face) enter a school to become flight attendants. Somehow, the group makes it through to the final test: a cross-country flight.