Colin McLellan


Meet Me in New York
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Ambitious New York events planner Kelly is one of the best in the business. But when Joe, a stubborn, but influential website editor, hires her to organize his niece's birthday, Kelly soon realizes that she may have met her match.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A bride's wedding night takes a sinister turn when her eccentric new in-laws force her to take part in a terrifying game.
Falls Around Her
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A world-famous Anishinaabe musician returns to the reserve to rest and recharge — only to discover that fame (and the outside world) are not easily left behind.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A group of people are plunged into a dark, claustrophobic maze, where they must fight to survive, as the outside world watches.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
夫のガブリエルは著名な物理学教授で妻マリカは芸術家。二人は9歳の息子エロルと共に幸せな家庭を築いていた。ある日、学会に出掛けたガブリエルが、突如何の痕跡も残さず地球上から消えてしまう。ガブリエルの失踪は、マリカを憔悴させ、21歳になったエロルは、祖父でありガブリエルの師であるサルの元で物理学を学び始める。そして、サルが発見したガブリエルの研究ノートから、彼がタイムトラベルを研究していたという驚愕の事実を知ることになる。 エロルは危険を顧みず、父と再会するためタイムトラベルに挑む。
ラスト・エクソシズム2 悪魔の寵愛
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
As Nell Sweetzer tries to build a new life after the events of the first movie, the evil force that once possessed her returns with an even more horrific plan.
サイレントヒル: リベレーション
ADR Recordist
8歳の誕生日を迎える少女ヘザーは『サイレントヒル』と言う街の悪夢に悩まされながら、父親ハリーと共に各地を転々とし逃げるような生活を続けてきた。 新しい学校への初登校の日、ヘザーは探偵を名乗る男ダグラスから「教団に居場所を教えてしまった。逃げろ。」と警告を受ける。直後にダグラスは殺され、ハリーも「サイレントヒルに来い」との血文字を残し行方不明となる。 ヘザーはハリーを助ける為、同じく転校生の少年ヴィンセントと共に呪われた街サイレントヒルへ向かうのだった。
ADR Recordist
ダーケストアワー 消滅
ADR Recordist
In Moscow, five young people lead the charge against an alien race which has attacked Earth via our power supply.
ADR Recordist
A fictional documentary discusses the effects the Iraq war has had on soldiers and local people through interviews with members of an American military unit, the media, and local Iraqis.
The Covenant
ADR Recordist
Four young men who belong to a supernatural legacy are forced to battle a fifth power long thought to have died out. Another great force they must contend with is the jealousy and suspicion that threatens to tear them apart.
ADR Mixer
ADR Recordist
On New Year's Eve, inside a police station that's about to be closed for good, officer Jake Roenick must cobble together a force made up cops and criminals to save themselves from a mob looking to kill mobster Marion Bishop.
ADR Recordist