Bert Lewis

出生 : , St. Louis, Missouri, USA


“Born in St. Louis, Mo. Played at Philharmonic one year. Scored many pictures such as “Pollyanna,” “Woman,” and others. Organist at various theatres before coming to Walt Disney.” -published in the June 20, 1931 edition of The Motion Picture Daily


A Good Time for a Dime
Donald visits a penny arcade where he sees a risque Daisy dancing in one of the nickelodeon shows and later has trouble with the airplane ride.
Jitterbug Follies
Count Screwloose and J.R. the Wonder Dog are promoting a $10,000 swing contest. They plan to skip town with the entry fees, but a menacing thug from the "Citizens for Fair Play" convinces them otherwise. The contestants: A singing hippo, "Mother Goose" who starts out as an old woman, then sheds her disguise to reveal a pretty girl, and a fan-dancing ostrich. Throughout, a couple of penguins are heckling. The ostrich proves wildly popular, and Screwloose fears he'll have to give the prize to her, when he gets an idea. He dresses J.R. up as the ostrich and sends him out, but the penguins use a box of sausages to expose the dog. The crowd runs Screwloose and J.R. out, and they grab a ride on a train where the penguins are waiting for them.
Petunia Natural Park
As a narrator describes the scene, we watch the whole Katzenjammer clan camping in the park of the title, a composite of several national parks in the western USA. There are several spot gags, including Mama taking a picture of a bear and ending up being photographed by several bears. Mama has a run-in with the law for picking a flower; The Captain has his own for feeding a bear, which turns out to be a ranger/cop in disguise.
What a Lion!
The Captain and Inspector are hunting lions in Africa, though their attempts to sneak up are hampered by alarm clocks and squeaky shoes. Fortunately, there's a lion ready for them: it's the boys, dressed in a lion costume, with an "ah-ooga" horn for the roar. They're soon chasing the Captain, when their costume gets stuck and pulled off. The captain comes in to the costume after them, but the boys manage to tie him up. Before long they've run into a real (sleeping) lion. They provoke it (in costume), and get its head stuck in a hollow log. Then they go taunt the Captain again and bring him over to the log, where the lion is still stuck; he whacks it with a board and pulls it out, then tries to remove the costume when the boys walk up behind him. The inevitable chase starts slowly, then speeds into a cave.
The Captain's Pup
The mangiest pup at Pete's Pooch Palace catches the Captain's eye. He takes it home, but Mama is less than thrilled; she forbids it to stay in the house. The Captain pretends to put it out, but hides it under his coat. At the dinner table, though, it is soon exposed. Confined to the back yard, the dog howls the night away. The Captain is sent outside to quiet it, but is too tired to make it out the door. He finally gets there and sneaks the dog back inside to his own bed.
Blue Monday
The Captain, after much wrestling with his alarm clock, finally wakes up to discover there's no buttons (for suspenders) on his ding-busted pants. He chews out Mama; she tells him if he doesn't like the housekeeping, he can do it himself, and storms out. What follows is pretty much the usual bunch of man-keeping-house jokes: a voracious vacuum, an overflowing sink, crashing dishes, and a dozen crises at once. And still no buttons on the pants.
Cleaning House
Mama has everyone working on spring cleaning, or so she thinks; in fact, everyone's slacking off in various ways. The Captain is the only one to get caught and face her wrath, though. To escape, he fakes illness, but the boys catch him at it. Mama calls the doctor; the boys intercept him and impersonate him. They get revealed, but so does the Captain, and Mama puts him to work doing everyone's job.
Mickey shows off his ice-skating skills to Minnie; Goofy does some unconventional ice fishing; Donald straps skates to Pluto and laughs at his attempts to skate. Donald gets strapped to a kite and is about to be swept over a waterfall when Mickey pulls off an heroic rescue.
Mickey's Fire Brigade
Original Music Composer
Mickey, Donald and Goofy are a fire department. As you might expect, their attempts at fighting a boardinghouse fire are not particularly effective. They hear Clarabelle singing in the bathtub and rescue her, tub and all, against her will (she won't believe there's a fire).
Mickey's Steam Roller
Original Music Composer
While streetworker Mickey romances Minnie, Mickey's nephews Morty and Ferdie take control of his steamroller and it's full speed ahead on a very destructive ride.
Old King Cole
Original Music Composer
Old King Cole throws party and invites all of the Mother Goose characters. He warns them that they must leave at midnight. Another collection of characters puts on a stage show. The Ten Little Indian Boys get everyone dancing along. The Hickory Dickory Dock mice announce midnight, and everyone leaves, back into their books.
Birds in the Spring
Original Music Composer
Two birds rejoice over the hatching of their three eggs; as they grow, the hatchlings are taught to sing and fly. One falls from the nest and has adventures with a rattlesnake and a beehive before finding his way home.
The Mad Doctor
Original Music Composer
A dark and stormy night. Pluto is spirited away to the spooky mansion of an evil genius for a mad transplant scheme to put his head on the body of a chicken. Mickey gives chase, but find himself threatened severely by the house and its denizens.
Mickey's Good Deed
Original Music Composer
Mickey is playing Christmas carols on a standup bass for change. Alas, all he gets is screws, rocks, and other useless stuff. He plays outside a rich man's window, and the spoiled brat kid inside decides he wants Pluto. Mickey isn't selling, but when his bass gets destroyed by a passing sleigh and he sees a house full of orphans with no presents, he changes his mind. Mickey plays Santa to the kids. Meanwhile, the brat has been torturing Pluto; his father finally has enough and throws Pluto out and spanks the child. Pluto and Mickey are reunited, and as a bonus, the kid has tied the Christmas turkey to Pluto's tail. (Also included: Chip an' Dale 1947, Lend a Paw 1941)
Babes in the Woods
Two children wander the forest and get lured into a witch's house.
King Neptune
Original Music Composer
After a short introduction, one of Neptune's mermaids is captured by a pirate ship, and their anchor chain entangles King Neptune; the various sea creatures launch a full-on assault on the pirate ship, and eventually the giant King himself gets free and creates major havoc for the ship.
Bugs in Love
Original Music Composer
Insects have made a playground/carnival out of castoffs, featuring "ice skating" on mirrors. Two love bugs head off to a more private area. But their fun is interrupted when a crow comes by. He bottles up the male bug and chases the female into her home. The male bug escapes in the nick of time, and another bug notices the battle and rallies the rest of the bugs to attack, which they do, using false teeth, an eggbeater, a mousetrap, castor oil, and other things.
Trader Mickey
Original Music Composer
Mickey Mouse and Pluto are traveling up an African river with a cargo of goods (including several musical instruments). They hit land and are captured by cannibals who plan to eat them. As soon as Mickey starts playing on a saxophone, they all start jamming to "The Darktown Strutter's Ball."
A jealous stump threatens two trees that are in love by starting a forest fire. When the rain comes and puts out the fire the forest revives and celebrates the wedding.
Just Dogs
Pluto's cage-mate at the dog pound breaks out and lets all the other dogs out as well. In the park, that terrier keeps following Pluto too closely for Pluto's tastes, until he digs up a huge bone and gives it to Pluto (who doesn't particularly want to share). But soon all the other escaped dogs are chasing after the bone.
The Ugly Duckling
The film begins with a mother hen sitting on her eggs from which six baby chicks are born. Though initially overjoyed, her mood changes to disgust when the final egg hatches out a duckling. Though the duckling desperately attempts to win his foster family's acceptance, the mother hen is adamant in her refusal to care for an infant that isn't even her species, let alone not even hers.
The Spider and the Fly
Original Music Composer
A kitchen is filled with houseflies. A spider wakes up and plays his web like a harp, attracting a pair of them; the female is trapped, and the male summons the cavalry, which arrives riding horseflies, riding dragonflies to drop pepper bombs, firing champagne bottles, and ultimately setting the web on fire and catching the spider on flypaper when he falls.
Mother Goose Melodies
A book of nursery rhymes plays for Old King Cole.
Birds of a Feather
Swans, peacocks, ducks, and more birds dance.
Playful Pan
Original Music Composer
The mythological satyr plays some tunes on his pipes and gets various flora and fauna dancing to them. Two clouds also dance; they bump into each other, causing lightning strikes that start a forest fire. The animals rush to escape the fire. Finally, an animal comes to tell Pan of the fire; he rushes to it, and gets it to dance to his tune, right into the lake.
Original Music Composer
In the last of the Silly Symphonies season cycle, bears hibernate (or try to), raccoons sneeze, moose swim, and pretty much everyone ice skates. Everyone gathers around the groundhog to see what happens.
Monkey Melodies
Original Music Composer
The monkeys are swinging; their song and dance routine has other jungle creatures joining in. And two monkeys in love chase and kiss. But the hungry crocodiles lie in wait (and dance the soft shoe).
Original Music Composer
The moon and two owls sing to the Blue Danube Waltz, celebrating the night. Moths dance around a candle flame, fireflies glow, frogs chorus, and so forth.
Midnight in a Toy Shop
Original Music Composer
A spider seeks shelter inside an old toy store, where he soon discovers that the merchandise comes to life after dark.
Arctic Antics
Original Music Composer
A collection of arctic animals (seals, walruses, polar bears, penguins) float by on ice floes and on shore, performing various musical numbers.
Frolicking Fish
Original Music Composer
The title pretty much says it: fish and other marine life dance and frolic to various tunes. An octopus keeps spoiling the fun in various ways.
Fiddling Around
Original Music Composer
Mickey comes onstage to the applause of an unseen audience and plays various classical tunes on the violin, after some minor mishaps. During a sad song, he is overcome with emotion and has to stop.
Cannibal Capers
Original Music Composer
A group of cannibals gather together for a tribal dance. In the middle of their gala, they are interrupted by a ferocious lion!
Mickey Mouse, piloting a steamboat, delights his passenger, Minnie, by making musical instruments out of the menagerie on deck.