Tor McAfee Kingdon


ADR Mixer
When a mysterious caller puts a bomb under his car seat, Matt Turner begins a high-speed chase across the city to complete a specific series of tasks- all with his kids trapped in the back seat.
エルカミーノ: ブレイキング・バッド THE MOVIE
ADR Mixer
ADR Mixer
A former bounty hunter who finds himself on the run as part of a revamped Condemned tournament, in which convicts are forced to fight each other to the death as part of a game that's broadcast to the public.
Road to Paloma
Foley Mixer
While Native American Wolf is being pursued by the FBI for having taken the law into his own hands, when his mother was raped and killed on their reservation he crosses paths with Cash, a down and out musician who is coping with the end of his marriage. An unlikely friendship develops, as they ride together towards the Teton mountain range, where Wolf will spread his mothers ashes.
Delivery From Earth
Sound Editor
The first birth of a human on another planet, experienced by a Navajo child in its New Mexico playground.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
スティーヴン・セガール、ダニー・トレホ、ヴィング・レイムスとワイルドな顔ぶれが結集したアクション。街を支配する男、彼に追放された右腕、街を乗っ取ろうとする新興勢力と、裏社会を舞台にさまざまな男たちの欲望や怨嗟(えんさ)が激しくぶつかり合う。監督を務めるのは、セガールとの名コンビで知られる『沈黙』シリーズなどのキオニ・ワックスマン。派手なアクションに加え、三人による濃密な共演にも注目。 街を治めるアレクサンダー(スティーヴン・セガール)の右腕ハースト(ブレン・フォスター)は、彼の命令で刑務所に潜入してある男を暗殺することに。しかし、仲間であった受刑者アイスマン(ヴィング・レイムス)の策略によって、別の男を殺害し両手の骨を砕かれてしまう。一方のアイスマンは出所し、アレクサンダーをボスの座から引きずり下ろそうと画策。そのころ、一風変わったメキシコ人コック(ダニー・トレホ)に両手を治療してもらったハーストは、アイスマンらへの復讐(ふくしゅう)に向けて動きだしていた。
Foley Mixer
Master thief Will Montgomery is just released from the State penitentiary after serving a 10 year sentence, is contacted by Vincent, his ex comrade in crime, who is holding Will’s teenage daughter ransom in a hijacked taxi cab. Vincent will only surrender her when Will reveals the whereabouts of the 20 million dollars he contrived to conceal from their last robbery.