Long time British game show host, Jonathan Robbins, finds himself questioning his mortality and legacy after the recent death of a close friend. When he comes across an unexpected letter from a young fan, he heads into the backwoods of America in search of deeper meaning for his life.
The film adaption of James Franco's popular novel Actors Anonymous, exploring the lives of young actors in Hollywood, from the highs to the lows, to the lies and the heartbreak.
The story of how a mysterious suitcase brings together, and changes, the lives of a divorced dad, an unhappy housewife, two hitmen, a pair of street thugs, two love struck teens, two FBI men and a psychedelic toad. Based on Pulitzer Prize-winning humorist Dave Barry's best-selling first novel, "Big Trouble."
Eddie Murphy stars as an over-the-top television evangelist who finds a way to turn television home shopping into a religious experience, and takes America by storm.
Tonya, an African American trans woman has journeyed cross-country from her small Mississippi hometown to California in pursuit of her dream to be an actress. While en route to Los Angeles, she accidentally gets stranded in the suburbs of Los Angeles and becomes engulfed in a gritty world after being introduced to Mickey, a Neo-Nazi low-level meth dealer. But to both of their surprise, they begin falling in love just as they find themselves the prey of some ruthless drug dealers.