希少な最高純度のブルーダイヤモンドの取引のためにロシア・サンクトペテルブルクを訪れた、宝石商のルーカス・ヒル(キアヌ・リーヴス)。ところが、ダイヤを所持していたビジネスパートナーのピョートルとの連絡が途絶え、ルーカスは伝言を便りに彼を追ってシベリアへと飛ぶ。親密になった現地のカフェの女主人カティアを巻き込み、苦労の末にダイヤを見つけ出すが、それは巧妙に作られた偽物だった。期日が近づき、取引相手のロシアンマフィアの手が迫るなか、果たしてルーカスは一世一代の取引を成功させることはできるのか…!?©2018 MARS TOWN FILM LIMITED
A talented Las Vegas chef falls in love with an aspiring fashion designer but turns violently jealous when he realizes that she's hiding dark secrets.
A talented Las Vegas chef falls in love with an aspiring fashion designer but turns violently jealous when he realizes that she's hiding dark secrets.
Director of Photography
Commissioned by Random House and Bret Easton Ellis.
Commissioned by Random House and Bret Easton Ellis.
Commissioned by Random House and Bret Easton Ellis.
A New England state trooper, privately struggling with irreversible hearing loss, is tasked with investigating the prison break of a notorious gang leader. As she digs deeper into the most dangerous case of her career, she uncovers a vast conspiracy that, coupled with her deteriorating condition, threatens to end her career — and her life.