Tomoyuki Igarashi


夏休みを楽しむため、ポケモン広場にやってきたサトシ達一行。ピカチュウは、サトシから皆の面倒を見る様に言われる。 しかし、おなかをすかせたトゲピーが泣き出してしまう。どうにか寝かしつけたものの、おしゃべりをし騒いでいたカラカラ達のせいで起きてしまう。 ゼニガメやフシギダネと言い争いになったのを止めようとするピカチュウであったが、逆に巻き込まれ、ドタバタ劇に発展していく。
Oliver is a young priest of that Vasaria order, and a devout servant of his church. He has grown up with legends of a god who dwells on G, a distant island so forbidden that even speaking its name brings certain damnation! When Oliver saves the mute girl Ohiri from slavery, their destinies become intertwined and they set out on a perilous journey to G. Actually a silenced sorceress from the forbidden island, Ohiri is involved in a deadly game of survival that brings her and Oliver face to face with treacherous dark elves, powerful elementals, and a quest filled with plot twists, magic, and wonder.