Mitsuru Tanaka


Goodbye, two-country towns. Shuhei and Midori, two poor siblings without parents, manage to live together in a small apartment but have long been urged by their aunt in Tokyo to move in with them. The younger sister is reluctant, the older brother gives up. A small incident occurs between them that makes them aware of the opposite sex, and their respective summers pass. And the day they leave for Tokyo is the day of a summer festival in the country town where the siblings were born and raised. The film's direction has the ability to plant the emotions and background of each of them firmly on the screen with everyday movements and straightforward dialogue. The level of acting by the actors is high. It was a summer when we felt cool with barley tea and watermelon instead of air-conditioning. The same nostalgia and vitality are present throughout the film.
Sixteen-year-old high school student Takeshi Chimatsuri has devoted his life to being a master samurai like his father was. Then one day, the Toki twins, two ninja sisters he's known since childhood, transfer to his school and issue him a challenge to take back their family dagger from him. Unfortunately for him, they have discovered his one weakness: the fear of the naked female body. Now, Takeshi must undergo special training from his classmates Atsuko and Torai, and his teacher Miss Ayatsugi to resist the combined brute strength of Akari and the temptation of her sex-crazed twin Kagiri. Class will never be in order with these three constantly fighting each other.
Key Animation
1972年(昭和47)に日中友好の一環として中国からパンダが上野動物園に贈られたことをきっかけに日本にパンダブームが起こり企画されたアニメーションである。 ミミ子は祖母を法事へ送り出し、今日からしばらく一人暮らし。しかし家へ帰ってみると、そこには人語を解する子供のパンダがいた。さらにその父親のパンダも現れる。このパンダ親子は、ミミ子の自宅の傍の竹薮に誘われて来たという。ミミ子は親パンダのパパンダを自らの父親、子パンダのパンを子と位置づけ、共同生活を始めた。 ある日、ミミ子の家を訪ねたお巡りさんが、パンダ親子を見て驚く。実はパパンダとパンは動物園から逃げ出して来たものだった。警察から聞きつけた動物園の園長が連れ戻そうとするが、パンが迷子になってしまい、一転して捜索が始まる。見つかったパンは川に流されており、その先には水門の滝が有るという、一大事になってしまった。 果たして、パンを救い出す事が出来るのか。そして、ミミ子とパンダ親子は、再び一緒に暮らす事が出来るのか。