Jean-Yves Freyburger

Jean-Yves Freyburger


Jean-Yves Freyburger


Black Box
Employé BEA
Matthieu is a young and talented black box analyst on a mission to solve the reason behind the deadly crash of a brand new aircraft. Yet, when the case is closed by authorities, Matthieu cannot help but sense there is something wrong with the evidence. As he listens to the tracks again, he starts detecting some seriously disturbing details. Could the tape have been modified? Going against his boss' orders, Matthieu begins his own rogue investigation - an obsessional and dangerous quest for truth that will quickly threaten far more than his career...
Party Guest (uncredited)
「氷の微笑」のポール・バーホーベン監督が「ピアニスト」のイザベル・ユペールを主演に迎え、「ベティ・ブルー 愛と激情の日々」の原作者フィリップ・ディジャンの小説「oh...」を実写映画化したエロティックサスペンス。ゲーム会社のCEOを務める女性ミシェルは、ある日突然、自宅に侵入してきた覆面男に襲われてしまう。何事もなかったかのように今まで通りの生活を送ろうとするミシェルだったが、襲われた時の記憶がフラッシュバックするようになっていく。犯人が身近にいることに気づいたミシェルはその正体を突き止めようとするが、自分自身に潜んでいた欲望や衝動に突き動かされて思わぬ行動に出る。第74回ゴールデングローブ賞で最優秀主演女優賞と最優秀外国語映画賞を受賞し、第89回アカデミー賞でもイザベル・ユペールが主演女優賞にノミネートされた。
Dîneur restaurant (uncredited)
Martin, an ex-Parisian well-heeled hipster passionate about Gustave Flaubert who settled into a Norman village as a baker, sees an English couple moving into a small farm nearby. Not only are the names of the new arrivals Gemma and Charles Bovery, but their behavior also seems to be inspired by Flaubert's heroes.
The Minister
Party guest (uncredited)
Transport Minister Bertrand Saint-Jean is awoken in the middle of the night by his head of staff. A bus has gone off the road into a gully. He has no choice but to go to the scene of the accident. Thus begins the odyssey of a politician in a world that is increasingly more complex and hostile.
Ah! The Libido
Journaliste Libé
Four women, all journalists for the French daily "Libération", decide to have, over the course of a week-end, an experience with a male prostitute.
Destiny Ride
Une prostituée de luxe, un juge d'instruction arriviste, une journaliste idéaliste... Trois cultures différentes, trois êtres n'ayant pas les mêmes valeurs. A travers une histoire et un milieu où la vérité n'est pas toujours belle à connaître, l'amour que ces trois personnes éprouvent les uns pour les autres va devenir meurtrier.
Marie Humbert, l'amour d'une mère
Would I Lie to You? 2
Le garçon Costes
Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.
Max is a kind of modern Zadig embarked upon an existential and sentimental quest. Jewish and Russian all rolled into one, he quickly feels cramped in his native Ukraine. One day, he leaves his parents, family and enemies for the city of his dreams: Paris. He discovers the capital and the occasionally ferocious and complex ways of its natives.
Crack 6T
Outwardly a chilling portrait of the aimless lives of unemployed inner city youths living on society's fringe, the underlying message of this volatile drama seems to call for violence to rectify social injustices. The film centers on two teenaged gangs who basically terrorize their neighborhoods with their anarchic behavior. There are few limits to their unpleasant philosophy of "desire equals acquisition." The loosely structured tale reaches its climax at a concert where the two rival groups collide.
I Hate Love
Independent Parisian doctor Annie finds herself in an emotional tangle when she tries to help single-minded HIV-positive patient Laurent and embarks on a brief affair with conceited actor Richard.