Truck Driver (Flashback)
Mexican Border Guard
アメリカ国内の商業施設で自爆テロ事件が発生。政府は 犯人はメキシコ経由で不法入国したと考え、 国境地帯で密入国ビジネスを仕切る麻薬カルテルを混乱させる任務を、 CIA工作員のマット・グレイヴァーに命じる。マットは、 カルテルへの復讐に燃える旧知の暗殺者アレハンドロに協力を要請。 麻薬王の娘イサベルを誘拐し、 カルテル同士の戦争を誘発しようと企てる。 しかし、その極秘作戦は、 敵の奇襲やアメリカ政府の無慈悲な方針変更によって想定外の事態を招いてしまう。 メキシコの地で孤立を余儀なくされたアレハンドロは、 兵士としての任務と復讐心、そして人質として保護する少女の命の狭間で、 過酷なジレンマに直面していく。
Mexican Leader
For three US Border Patrol agents, the contents of one car reveal an insidious plot within their own ranks. The next 24 hours may cost them their lives.
Mexican Guard
In Hillary's America, bestselling author and influential filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza reveals the sordid truth about Hillary Clinton and the secret history of the Democratic Party. This important and controversial film releases at a critical time leading up to the 2016 Presidential campaign and challenges the state of American politics.
A down-on-his-luck ethics professor ends up on a completely unhinged run across the Mexican border with his teenage daughter in tow - and four undocumented immigrants in the trunk.
Judas the Apostle
A mail room slacker accidentally kills himself in a bizarre experiment and finds himself sentenced to Purgatory...working in the mail room. There, he falls for his beautiful manager and to win her heart he must stop a greedy real estate mogul from selling Purgatory and sending everyone to Hell.
Andres Santos
Octavio became a priest. Andres became a mobster. What starts off to be just another day for two brothers soon turns into the beginnings of a bloody massacre when Andres stumbles upon confidential documents in a client's briefcase. The brothers must learn to put aside differences if they hope to get out alive.
Agent Blanco
A woman's purpose is redefined when a space alien she encountered as a child returns to reclaim what was left behind.