Arthur Gross


10 Rillington Place
The story of British serial killer John Christie, who committed most or all of his crimes in the titular terraced house, and the miscarriage of justice involving Timothy Evans.
10 Rillington Place
Man In Pub
The story of British serial killer John Christie, who committed most or all of his crimes in the titular terraced house, and the miscarriage of justice involving Timothy Evans.
A Countess from Hong Kong
Immigration Officer
A Russian countess stows away in the stateroom of a married U.S. diplomat bound for New York.
The Day of the Triffids
Flight 356 Radioman
After an unusual meteor shower leaves most of the human population blind, a merchant navy officer must find a way to conquer tall, aggressive plants which are feeding on people and animals.
The Inspector
Railway Conductor
At the end of WW2, a compassionate Dutch policeman helps smuggle a Jewish woman into British Palestine.
Naked Fury
Tom Parker
A gang of thieves led by American Eddy (Reed de Rouen) kill a security guard during a botched safe robbery and flee with his daughter (Leigh Madison) as a hostage. They hide out in a dangerously unstable old warehouse for a couple of days awaiting their getaway ship to sail, but Johnny (Kenneth Cope) falls for the girl - provoking a serious falling-out and a violent conclusion to the disastrous heist.
The Man Upstairs
P.C. Clark
The mental breakdown of a guilt-ridden man provides the drama in this fascinating psychological profile starring Richard Attenborough as a scientist who can't live with himself after he accidently kills the brother of his fiancee.
Count Five and Die
Jan Guldt
Dutch patriots, a U.S. officer and a British spy fool the Nazis with a fake Soho film company.
Autograph Hunter (uncredited)
革命のため国を追われたイゴール・シャドフ王(King Igor Shahdov)(チャールズ・チャップリン)は、ほぼ無一文でニューヨークにやって来るが、同行した首相に証券類までも盗まれてしまう。王は原子力を使ってユートピアを創るという自分のアイデアを実現させるべく、原子力委員会と接触を図る。ある夕食会で(王に無断でテレビ中継されていた)、演劇の経験があることを明らかにしたため、その後、テレビコマーシャルへの出演依頼が殺到する。最初は気のすすまぬ王であったが、後に生活資金を得るためいくつかのコマーシャルに出演する。ある進歩主義学校を訪問した王は、ルパート・マカビーという10歳の少年(マイケル・チャップリン)に会う。彼は学校新聞の編集者で歴史に造詣が深く、王にアナキズム的な講釈を行う。ルパートはいかなる政府も信用しないと述べるが、両親は共産党員であった。次第に王自身が共産党員であると疑われるようになり、マッカーシーの下院非米活動委員会(当時アメリカで赤狩りを行っていた委員会)に喚問される。王の容疑は晴れ、離婚して今はパリにいる元王妃と再会する決意をする。しかし、ルパートの両親は投獄され、委員会は少年に両親の友人達の名前を密告するよう迫る。少年は王と再会した際、両親の友人の名を密告したことで「愛国者」と称えられるが、罪の意識に苛まれ苦しんでいた。王は赤狩りのばかばかしさにあきれ、少年に両親と共にヨーロッパに来るよう招待する。
The Quatermass Xperiment
TV Show Floor Director (uncredited)
The first manned spacecraft, fired from an English launchpad, is first lost from radar, then roars back to Earth and crashes in a farmer's field, and is found to contain only one of the three men who took off in it; and he is unable to talk but appears to be undergoing a torturous physical and mental metamorphosis.
One Jump Ahead
Arthur Walker
Paul Banner, a "noozeman" of the Daily Comet in England, is an American working in England. He happens on a murder that leads him on a complicated trail.