Gabor Vernon

死亡 : 1985-04-23


ボンドは中南米某国のトロ将軍に変装し、将軍が管理する高性能偵察機を破壊すべく侵入する。本物の将軍に見つかり一旦は拘束されるが、CIA女性アシスタントのビアンカの誘惑で敵兵を惑した隙に超小型ジェット機(通称:アクロスター)で逃走。地対空ミサイルに追尾されるものの、前述の偵察機の格納庫内をすり抜けた直後にミサイルが格納庫を直撃、結果的に任務に成功する。 その頃、東ベルリンでピエロに成りすましサーカス団に潜入していた009は『レディーの卵(ファベルジュの卵)』(ロシア皇帝献上品)を持ち出したのを見つかり、投擲ナイフを特技とする双子の兄弟ミーシカとグリーシカにやられ、ベルリン英国大使館公邸に『卵』を持ち込み死亡する。
Journeys from Berlin/1971
An epic meditation on psychoanalysis, the Baader-Meinhof, feminism, and pre-revolutionary Russia.
Captain of Demeter
Romanticized adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 classic. Count Dracula is a subject of fatal attraction to more than one English maiden lady, as he seeks an immortal bride.
The Thief of Baghdad
A resourceful thief helps a handscome prince fight an evil wizard and win the hand of a beautiful princess.
The Assignment
A Swedish diplomat travels to a civil war in a Latin American country. His mission is to mediate between the two extremist groups.
Trotsky is Dead
'It's as if the revolution was here again. They are storming the Winter Palace on my own doorstep.' In Palmerston Road, Reading, there is a crisis ...
Red Scharlach
A rabbi is murdered. Detective Llonrot is called in on the case and looks for a 'rabbinical explanation' for the murder. Other murders are committed and deliberate clues left in chosen locations. Llonrot, convinced he is on the trail of a 'mystical intrigue' is lured to the 'crime scene' when the tables are turned by his nemesis, the master criminal Red Scharlach.
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