Peter Wallis


Elderly Man
1992年のイングランド北部ヨークシャー地方、炭坑の町グリムリーは炭坑閉鎖問題で揺れていた。結成百年の伝統を誇る名門ブラスバンド、グリムリー・コリアリー・バンドでも、メンバーそれぞれが苦境に陥っていた。バンドに全情熱を傾けるリーダー兼指揮者、ダニーは、全英選手権に出場し、ロイヤル・アルバート・ホールで演奏して優勝することを夢見てメンバーに激を飛ばすが、炭坑夫である彼らは炭鉱閉鎖の不安ゆえに気もそぞろだ。 そんな折り、グロリアが生まれ故郷のグリムリーに戻って来る。彼女はかつてのダニーの親友の孫娘で、フリューゲル・ホーン持参で練習場に現れ、いきなり難曲の「アランフェス協奏曲」をバンドと巧みに奏で一同を感心させてしまったのだが…。
The Man from Snowy River
Crack Rider
Jim Craig has lived his first 18 years in the mountains of Australia on his father's farm. The death of his father forces him to go to the lowlands to earn enough money to get the farm back on its feet.
Romanticized adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 classic. Count Dracula is a subject of fatal attraction to more than one English maiden lady, as he seeks an immortal bride.
Sunset Across the Bay
A married couple, after a life time of work and bringing up a family, retire and awaken to the fast changing world around them, the habitual nature of their relationship, and what they have left.
Leeds United!
Fred Packer
The true story of a strike in 1970 by female textile-factory workers in Leeds who wanted to be paid the same as their male colleagues, but whose efforts were undermined by the trade union that they belonged to.
Speech Day
Speech Day is a bit of a laugh if you are not one of nature's prize-winners. But now that they've finished with school and school with them, what comes next for Ronnie, Wally and Rob?