Sayaka Yamaguchi

Sayaka Yamaguchi

出生 : 1980-02-14, Fukuoka, Japan


Sayaka Yamaguchi
Sayaka Yamaguchi
Sayaka Yamaguchi


SEE HEAR LOVE 見えなくても聞こえなくても愛してる
漫画に心血を注ぎ、漫画家として生計を立てている泉本真治(山下智久)は、ある日、自分の作品が映画化されるという朗報を聞く。アシスタントの中村沙織(山本舞香)と喜ぶ真治。 だがその喜びも束の間、突如病に倒れ、視力を失うことになってしまう。やっと軌道に乗ってきた連載漫画も休載。そして一緒に暮らしていた祖母の面倒も見切れなくなっていく・・・。一人になった真治は孤独と恐怖に襲われ、ベランダから身を投げ出そうと考える。 そんな時、真治の漫画のファンで、耳が聞こえない相田響(新木優子)に助けられる。こうして出逢った真治と響は不思議な共同生活を始めるのだった。
Kanoko Saimori
劇場版 ラジエーションハウス
Tamaki Kurohane
36-year-old bachelorette Mami achieved success with an essay she wrote 10 years ago. Mami has since lost her way, and hasn't been able to write a hit piece. Meanwhile Yukino, who leads an independent life, Ayaka who is a housewife, and Miho, who makes her livelihood as a "daddy's girl", are each facing various difficulties in their own lives.
世にも奇妙な物語 '21秋の特別編
  『世にも奇妙な物語’21秋の特別編』がフジテレビ系にて2021年秋に放送されることが決定。あわせて、赤楚衛二、森七菜、桐谷健太、山口紗弥加が主演を務めることが発表された。  1990年4月にレギュラードラマとして放送が開始され、その後は特別編という形で年に2度放送を続けるスタイルで、これまで各時代を代表するような作家や脚本家と俳優を掛け合わせることによって、奇妙な物語の世界観を作り出してきた『世にも奇妙な物語』シリーズ。   秋の特別編では、『優等生』、『スキップ』、『ふっかつのじゅもん』、『金の卵』の4作品が放送される。4作の中で一番の長い物語となる『優等生』の主演を務めるの森は、いまどきの少しおバカな女子高生役、『スキップ』の主演を務める赤楚は、タイムリープに巻き込まれるうだつの上がらない大学生役をそれぞれ演じる。  そして、桐谷が主演を務める『ふっかつのじゅもん』はテレビゲーム『ドラゴンクエストII 悪霊の神々』を題材にした過去と現在の人の思いを紡ぐドラマ。桐谷は、過去に強い後悔を残す父親役を演じる。  『世にも奇妙な物語』に約14年ぶり2回目の出演となる山口は、偶然見つけた金の卵の不思議な力に取りつかれていく母親役を演じる。
Ando Mizuki
わかり合えない僕らは、それでも「ふつう」の幸せを手に入れたい― 高校生の安藤純は自分がゲイであることを誰にも告げずに生きていた。ある⽇、書店でクラスメイトの三浦紗枝が、男性同⼠の恋愛をテーマとした、いわゆるBLマンガを購⼊しているところに遭遇する。BL好きであることを秘密にしている紗枝は「誰にも言わないで欲しい」と純に⼝⽌めをするのだが、彼女はまだ知らなかった。目の前にいる純が、彼女の好きなゲイ…
Nana Wakasugi
コンフィデンスマンJP ロマンス編
会社経営者の播磨和昌 と妻の薫子 は2人の子供を授かるが、現在は別居している。ある日、娘の瑞穂がプールで溺れて意識不明になり、医師に脳死と診断される。臓器提供を希望するか、このまま死を待つかの選択を迫られる夫婦は、悩んだ末に臓器提供を決意するが、薫子が一瞬だけ瑞穂の手が動いたのを見てそれを撤回する。和昌の会社が開発した最先端技術を駆使した延命治療が始まり、彼女は眠ったまま成長していくが……。
Seiko Sano
猫侍 玉之丞、江戸へ行く
A prequel to the story of the legendary samurai and one cat. In Edo era, there was a legendary samurai named Kyutaro Madarame who are feared as a "Madara the Devil". He was somehow hired for killing a cat named Tamanojo. Just before Kyutaro slashes on Tamanojo, he realizes that Tamanojo looking into his eyes and said "meow". But why?
Your Story
Setsuko Nishizawa
Kenta Kurata (Masaki Aiba) lives with his father, Taichi (Akira Terao), his mother, Keiko (Kaho Minami), and his younger sister, Nana (Kasumi Arimura) in an isolated home in the suburbs. He works as an unpopular commercial designer. Kenta Kurata possesses a timid personality, which he picked up from his father. Kenta doesn't like his father. One day, while waiting for the train, Kenta warns a man who pushed a woman and cut in line. Kenta is surprised that he spoke out with his normally timid personality. After that incident, Kenta's family home is targeted by an unknown person with flowers from their garden being pulled out and the seat of a bicycle being torn. Also, Kenta's younger sister Nana is stalked by her ex-boyfriend. Kenta and his family try to find out who is responsible.
Megumi Ishizaka
A meeting in the middle of Tokyo between Jan, a middle age French photographer who is living his life carelessly, and Flare, a 17 years old runaway girl with a complicate family background. Charmed by Jan’s works, a budding of love soon developed in Flare. While attracted to the wild life of Jan, she holds onto a complicated feelings. With this swaying conflicts inside of her, it painted a vivid picture of growing up in this Japan – France collaboration work of a painful love story.
Kenichi Shibuya is a 50-year-old salaryman who divorced a few years back. Since the divorce, his relationship with his daughter has become awkward. One day, Kenichi Shibuya and his boss Yumi Ayase are struck by lightning and die. They go to the afterlife. There in the afterlife they hear of a legendary soup. If someone drinks the legendary soup, that person is reborn, but the reborn person has no memories of their prior life. Kenichi Shibuya then searches for the secrets in the legendary soup, hoping to be reborn, but not forget his daughter.
Tatsukawa Junko
Ohno plays the role of Tarui Shotaro, an ordinary guy who dreamed of becoming a hero when he was a child, but now gets by as a part-time worker. The unexpected story unfolds when one day, the daughter of a yakuza boss asks him to plan a make-believe kidnapping. Sato Ryuta plays Shotaro's co-worker who helps him with the kidnapping. Kanjiya Shihori plays Satsuki, the eldest daughter of the Hanazono yakuza clan, while Narimiya Hiroki plays Satsuki's college senpai who joined the Hanazono clan after graduation. Takahashi Katsumi plays the head of a rival organization who has fallen in love with Satsuki. Kitaoji Kinya plays Satsuki's father and the head of the Hanazono clan.
Yoshiko Kamishiro
Hikari (Dai Watanabe) receives news that his father passed away. Hikari decides to take over his father's ramen shop. To do so, Hikari quits his job at a design company and goes back to his home town of Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture. Now, taking over his father's shop Hikari has problems recreating his father's recipe. Hikari thinks back to when he was a child and how his father believed Hikari never used his imagination. Hikari relies on his memory in attempt to recreate his father's recipe.
のだめカンタービレ 最終楽章 前編
Namiki Yuko
のんちゃん のり弁
Reika Tamagawa
「モーニング」誌上で連載された入江喜和の同作漫画を基に、『独立少年合唱団』『いつか読書する日』の緒方明が監督を務めるハートウォーミングな親子ドラマ。だらしない夫を捨てた子持ちの主婦が、弁当店オープンに向けて奮闘する姿を描く。 下町の実家に出戻った永井小巻(小西真奈美)と娘のんちゃん(佐々木りお)。小巻の就職活動はうまくいかず、生活も困窮してきた。得意の弁当作りで新境地を開こうと決意した小巻は、店を持つことを目標に掲げ、小料理屋に修行に行くことに。そんなとき、小巻は好きだった同級生と再会し……。
Ishikawa Machiko
The classic tale retold. This is one of Japan’s most popular stories in a brand new version starring the great Matsukata Hiroki following in the footsteps of Yorozuya Kinnosuke as Yagyu Tajima, the grandmaster swordsman whose plot to maintain the succession of Iemitsu as shogun encounters obstacles on all sides. Loaded with action and featuring many of Japan’s new up and coming sword stars this exciting movie brings back the feelings of the golden age of motion pictures. Stunning cinematography brings 17th Century Japan to life in this exciting tale of loyalty and betrayal, leading up to an ending that won’t be found in any history book.
のだめカンタービレ in ヨーロッパ
Namiki Yuko
This 2 night special takes off during their graduation, where Chiaki-senpai & Nodame left for Europe. The first special centered on Chiaki's story, the story tells about Chiaki's dream to be a conductor. Nodame on the other hand attended the conservatory to attain her dream to one-day play the piano for Chiaki. After her hard work, Nodame was given a chance to have a mini recital. During the recital, Chiaki saw her worth and realized that he cannot go on with out her
Seven young Tokyoites get scammed into working as hosts for "Dog Days" bar. Will they be able to overcome their individual differences and keep the club open?
Mika Tabata
Water Boys 2
Water Boys was a major sliver screen hit in 2001 that took the Japanese public by storm in depicting high school boys who pour all the passion of their youth into becoming synchronized swimmers. The year 2003 saw the start of a new TV series of the same name that maintained the overall atmosphere of the film while making new developments, and becoming a summer hit with the amazing synchronized swimming feats it depicted. And then in the summer of 2004 a second season of the series with fun and a sense of pathos opened, this time with a new town as the setting and depicting the passion, friendship and love of 32 boys who are absolutely nuts about synchronized swimming.The fascinating synchronized swimming scenes are more powerful than ever. In addition to the scenes of a public performance in the last installment, the show has loads of excitement and thrills throughout.
Kadokawa Mystery & Horror Tales Vol. 1
MEINICHI Directed By Tomoyuki Akashi Cast: Sayaka Yamaguchi, Asami Mizukawa "Maybe father was right. Maybe we should not have moved into that house..." When Minako loses her boyfriend in an accident, her sister tries to cheer her up, though sinister forces would have it otherwise... CRUEL KIDNAPPING: Directed by Tomoyuki Akashi Cast: Toru Masuoka, Renji Ishibashi As Toshio struggles to make ends meet, his daughter is kidnapped and a ransom note arrives. Desperation leads him to a cruel plan designed to procure the money he needs. DESIRE TO KILL: Directed by Kenji Nakanishi Cast: Mayumi Wakamura, Sousuke Takaoka Alone in her house, Rie comes face-to-face with a murderer. Determined to protect her child, she makes a desperate attempt to convince the man to leave.
Set in a (fictional) student dormitory at Tokyo Metropolitan University, which is in danger of being closed down, the film depicts the emotional exchange between students struggling to keep the dormitory alive and a prefect sent in by the university. Inspired by the movement to preserve the Komaba Dormitory at the University of Tokyo, the story differs greatly from historical fact.
2000年5月12日。今をときめく人気アイドル 葉村ナオの写真集の撮影のため、撮影スタッフは高原のペンションに宿泊することになった。しかし、ワガママで高慢なナオの態度と言動に、撮影スタッフやペンション従業員たちは振り回されて不満が募っていく。 このペンションのあった土地は、戦前には下猪山村で謎の男により連続殺人が起こり、11人が殺害されたという呪われた場所だった。さらに大雨のため停電してしまった上に、町まで通じる道路が土砂崩れで塞がってしまい、ペンションは陸の孤島となりクローズドサークルと化してしまう。 その夜、ナオがコテージで撲殺されているのが発見され、ナオの手には『ナオのサインが書かれたトランプ』が握られていた。警察には連絡したものの、唯一の道路が塞がっているためやって来る目処は立たず、ペンションから脱出することもできない。そして翌朝、借金を抱えていた強面のペンション従業員である木島道明がまたしても刺殺死体で発見される。 カメラマン助手の笛木紀之は、撮影スタッフのうち唯一アリバイがなく、無実を訴えるが犯人として吊るし上げられてしまう。追い詰められた笛木は、「困ったときに使うと一度だけ助けてもらえる」という笛を吹き鳴らした。
富江 replay
Yumi Morita
モスラ 3 キングギドラ来襲
モスラ2 海底の大決戦
Young Michiru
Mishio Yokoyama
Looking for something to do during the summer, Akihiko Suzuki teams up with four girls (Namie, Natsumi, Mishiyo, and Komugi) and a guy (Kosuke) to start a little cafe down by the beach. Actually, he is more interested in the girls than the job. They used to ignore him, but by working at the cafe, he hopes to start a friendship with them.
Hidemi is bored of school, and decides to find another way to succeed in life.