Paul Edwards


A young girl buys an antique box at a yard sale, unaware that inside the collectible lives a malicious ancient spirit. The girl's father teams with his ex-wife to find a way to end the curse upon their child.
Lucky Christmas
Hair Department Head
Lucky Christmas is the story of Holly Ceroni, a single mom trying to get back on her feet, but who is crushed to learn her winning lottery ticket is in the glove compartment of her recently stolen car. Mike Ronowski, the construction worker behind Holly's missing property, goes along with a master plan to befriend Holly and coerce her into giving him half of her winnings. Mike unexpectedly falls in love with Holly and learns there are more important things in life than quick money in time for the holidays.
主人公のサムたちは会社の研修旅行の中、工事が続いている巨大な吊り橋をバスで渡ろうとしていた。 その瞬間、サムは自然災害により突如として橋が崩れ落ち、同僚や上司が次々と死んでいく凄惨な予知夢を見る。 パニックに陥ったサムは周りに危険を知らせると、恋人モリーを連れ橋から避難、彼らを含め8人の社員が奇跡的に事故から生き延びる。 ところが、それは新たな惨劇の始まりであった・・・。
Key Hair Stylist
Missing in America
Key Hair Stylist
A haunted Vietnam veteran, living in exile in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, is faced with a life-changing decision after he is visited by a former platoon member and his young Amerasian daughter.
Missing in America
A haunted Vietnam veteran, living in exile in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, is faced with a life-changing decision after he is visited by a former platoon member and his young Amerasian daughter.
Hair Assistant
突如起こった飛行機墜落事故。だが予知夢によって一命を取りとめたアレックスと6人のクラスメートは書き換えることができない《死》の定めに再び直面する。運命は、未来は変えられるのか? そして迫りくる《死》の呪縛から逃れることはできるのか?姿の見えない《死》が人々を襲うサスペンスホラー。