Janusz Strachocki

Janusz Strachocki

出生 : 1892-02-08, Warszawa, Imperium Rosyjskie (obecnie Polska)

死亡 : 1967-12-29


Janusz Strachocki


Romance for Bugle
A lyrical story about first love, death and disappointment, based on a poem of the same title.
Here Is My Home
A young man, Kuba, is returning from the army. At home, an image of misery and despair remains: the father is seriously ill, and the mother has become emotionally attached to the man who exploits her and intends to take over the farm. After the death of his father, the young man guards the farm, but his girlfriend leaves him. Unable to bear the atmosphere of envy and resentment, Kuba leaves for the city.
The Two Who Stole the Moon
Mayor of Zapiecek
Twin brothers, Jacek and Placek, are the town's troublemakers. They're lazy, greedy and also cruel. They despise hard work, so they cook up a plan to make easy money that would make them rich for the rest of their lives: steal the moon and sell it. They set on a journey to find a place where the moon would be low enough for them to steal. Before they leave, they take the last loaf of bread from their poor hardworking mother. After numerous adventures the boys manage to catch the moon in a fishing net. But it is only the beginning of their troubles.
Szczęściarz Antoni
inżynier budujący domek Antoniego
The Artillery Sergeant Kalen
The movie is about the fate of Polish soldier named Kaleń who fought with UPA in 1945. Set in the closing days of World War II, the film recounts the adventures of the Polish soldier caught in the turmoil among the Polish Communist army, anti-communist underground and Ukrainian fascists.
Knights of the Teutonic Order
Konrad von Jungingen
A tale of a young impoverished nobleman, who with his uncle returns from a war against the order of the Teutonic Knights in Lithuania. He falls in love with a beautiful woman and pledges an oath to bring her "three trophies" from the Teutonic Knights.
Poland in the 50s, 20th century The process of collectivization of agriculture is under way. The wealthy Slumdog farmer is one of the last individual farmers who have not joined the cooperative and are trying to grow their own land. But it is very difficult - the unemployed mercenaries who paid for them run to cooperatives (where they have better conditions), the environment or the local authorities do not accept him as a kulak. Struggling with the problem of how to make a 40-hectare farm last, he remains alone in the face of a loss of land that he cannot cultivate.
Warszawska syrena
A man has been found dead after having been hurled from a train. As security agents, police and a medical examiner piece together his identity, three accounts emerge: one set during World War II, one in the immediate aftermath of the war, and one in contemporary Poland.
Robotnik (niewymieniony w czołówce)
Under the Phrygian Star
With the second part of his Cellulose Diptych, award-winning director Jerzy Kawalerowicz returns to protagonist Szczesny, now a full-fledged, middle-aged communist militant in pre-war Poland. Based on the writings of Igor Newerly, Kawalerowicz's epic chronicles the romance between Szczesny and the charismatic Madzia, as the ill-fated pair fall in love amid the social and political upheaval of their homeland.
Through the fate of the boy - whose hunger drives from his home village , and who receives a severe school of life , going through different social environments in order to become conscious , revolutionary activist - creators show a realistic panorama of conflicts in pre-WWII Poland.
Wind from the Sea
The last Polish silent film.