Tracy Howe

Tracy Howe


Tracy Howe is an actor.


Tracy Howe


Angry NYPD Cop
A Soldier's Love Story
Sergeant Major Hartman
Ten year old Jared Marshall's life crumbled down after his parents' divorce a year ago. Not only does his dad put his job first since, mother uproots him from Iowa by moving in with her ma so she can take a job in California. When Jared's class writes letters to US troops in Bosnia from the nearest base, kindhearted Sergeant First Class Vince Carerra, who grew up fatherless and got divorced because his wife wasn't faithful while he was on tour of duty, takes to the kid and starts a correspondence with 'fatherly' advice. Once his unit returns to Fort Sebastian, Vince calls on Jared's home, warmly welcomed. Vince becomes Jared's personal baseball coach and after some Cupid encouragement, his mother's boyfriend, but on an understanding not to commit because he's likely to be redeployed.
Mending Fences
Sheriff West
When big-city TV journalist Kelly Faraday (Laura Leighton) gets fired, she moves back to her Nevada hometown, where a severe drought may force her aging mother, Ruth (Angie Dickinson), to sell the family farm to a casino developer. As Kelly and Ruth sort out old differences, the erstwhile reporter and her ex-beau Walt (David Lee Smith) begin to suspect the casino of manipulating the town's water supply. Stephen Bridgewater directs this drama.
Roy's Guy #1
主人公ハックはポーカー世界大会で2度優勝する腕前を持つ父親を尊敬できないでいた。家族を捨て常にポーカーの虜となっていた父。しかし気付いてみれば彼も各地のポーカーテーブルで稼ぐプロのポーカープレイヤーとして日々過ごす存在となっていた。ある日友人の妹ビリーと知り合い惹かれあうが、彼女のなけなしの金を黙ってポーカーの種銭として使ってしまい愛想をつかされてしまう。 ポーカーの騙し合いの日々の中でハックはビリーが自分にとって心許せる特別な存在である事に深く気付かされるのだが、彼の中のポーカープレイヤーとしての葛藤や父親との確執に悩み続ける。そんな中ハックは、ラスベガスで開かれる世界最大のポーカー選手権出場が決まる。大会には3度目の優勝を狙う越えられない存在である父親も対戦相手として名乗りをあげていた。ビリーのいない中、ハックの孤独な勝負が始まる。
Crowd Onlooker
Bound by Lies
Internal Affairs Officer
When Detecive Max Garrett is assigned to protect the sultry photographer Laura Cross from a ruthless killer, he has no idea what he's in for. The more involved Garrett gets in the case, the more attracted he is to Cross, but as they get closer, so does the killer.
Bear Hunter
Crazy Moon
Rock Concert Performer (Rational Youth)
Brooks is an eccentric rich kid, with a fondness for big band music, bow ties taking strange photographs who one day whilst stealing a mannequin from a clothes store, meets Anne, a free-spirited, young deaf girl who works in the shop. It's a meeting that will transform his life. As their friendship blossoms he starts to learn sign-language and she helps him to conquer his fear of water but with a bullying brother, insensitive overbearing father and his father's peculiar new girlfriend all pressurising him to be 'normal' will Brooks be able to break free from their boundaries and his own fears and limitations to find the meaning of true and selfless love.