Siegfried Kamml


Free Country
Former East Germany, 1992. Patrick Stein and Markus Bach, two very different police officers, are commissioned to investigate the disappearance of two female teenagers in a remote area of the country. Did they run away from home or did something more terrible happen to them?
Free Country
Former East Germany, 1992. Patrick Stein and Markus Bach, two very different police officers, are commissioned to investigate the disappearance of two female teenagers in a remote area of the country. Did they run away from home or did something more terrible happen to them?
Cut Off
A coroner finds a capsule in the head of a heavily mutilated corpse, containing a phone number and single word: the name of his daughter.
タイムリミット 見知らぬ影
「ピエロがお前を嘲笑う」のボータン・ビルケ・メーリング主演、「パンドラム」や「ニック NICK」シリーズを手がけたクリスチャン・アルバート監督で、爆弾魔に脅迫され絶体絶命の危機に陥る男の壮絶な運命を描いたサスペンス。ベルリンの不動産会社で大規模な建築プロジェクトに携わるカールは、ある月曜日の朝、娘と息子を車に乗せて学校に送り届けようとしている最中に、正体不明の男からの脅迫電話を受ける。男はカールたちが座席を離れると爆発する特殊な爆弾を車に仕掛けたと言い、巨額の金を支払うよう要求してくる。同じ犯人に脅迫された上司とその妻が目の前で爆死させられるのを見たカールは、やむを得ず要求に従おうとするが、爆発の際に破片を浴びて息子が重傷を負った上、今度は警官隊に包囲されてしまう。警察は、カールが不仲の妻への復讐のため子どもたちを人質にとったと考えていた。やがて、八方塞がりのカールの前に脅迫者が大胆にも姿を現し……。
The Final Journey
A former German Army officer, accompanied by his granddaughter, journeys to the Ukraine to find the woman he once loved.
Conni & Co 2 - Das Geheimnis des T-Rex
Teenager Connie and her friends try to save an island full of nature and place of their encounters from being destroyed by the construction of a hotel there.
Conni & Co.
A young girl goes through the ups and downs of school-life.
Half Brothers
Julian, Yasin and Addi learn from the executor of their deceased mother's will that the three men, who had previously been complete strangers, are brothers. The news hits like a bomb. A German family man with a penchant for tricks, a spoiled, ambitious Turk and a rapping African – the three siblings immediately hate each other and it would all be nice if their paths were to separate again soon.
As Time Goes By
With a travel guide tucked under the arm photographing visitors walk into narrow alleys and then reappear. Children, who start to chase each other in between the columns, adults, who try their jumping skills. This refers to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin.
Summer Sunday
Sommersonntag (Summer Sunday) is the dramatic story of Bruno Hansen, a bridge guard of a huge lift bridge in Hamburg. As his 7-year old deaf-mute son climbs down into the restricted area of the lifting equipment while a train is approaching, he has to decide whether to sacrifice his son or to let the fully occupied train drown in the river.
Summer Sunday
Sommersonntag (Summer Sunday) is the dramatic story of Bruno Hansen, a bridge guard of a huge lift bridge in Hamburg. As his 7-year old deaf-mute son climbs down into the restricted area of the lifting equipment while a train is approaching, he has to decide whether to sacrifice his son or to let the fully occupied train drown in the river.
Summer Sunday
Sommersonntag (Summer Sunday) is the dramatic story of Bruno Hansen, a bridge guard of a huge lift bridge in Hamburg. As his 7-year old deaf-mute son climbs down into the restricted area of the lifting equipment while a train is approaching, he has to decide whether to sacrifice his son or to let the fully occupied train drown in the river.
Mein Vater die Tunte
Twenty years ago, Dietrich discovered (Jan-Gregor Kremp) that he is gay. Wife and son he left behind in the country and opened a travesty Club in Berlin. He and his lover Max (Pasquale Aleardi) can adopt a child, Dietrich now requires a "testimony" of his son Jan (Matthias Schweighofer). In his postcards he has for years fooled him a "real men live" on mounting - but the moment of truth draws near: An accident leads Jan, the aspiring professional quarterback and homophobic macho, to Dietrich's desk ... gays are stylish hold French Schneider and turned pink piglets - the figure of Dietrich serves all clichés. Through the Eyes of Jan we discover the people behind them. Despite weaknesses in the structure of an amusing search for the father, in the comedy legend Walter Giller occurs as Alt-queen Wanda.