Frank Whiteman


ラスベガスに住むアルコール依存症の母と、家を出て行った家庭内暴力を振るう父との間に生まれた、少年トレバー。 中学1年生(アメリカでは7年生)になったばかりの彼は、社会科の最初の授業で、担当のシモネット先生と出会う。先生は「もし自分の手で世界を変えたいと思ったら、何をする?」という課題を生徒たちに与える。生徒達のほとんどは、いかにも子供らしいアイディアしか提案できなかったが、トレバーは違った。彼の提案した考えは、「ペイ・フォワード」。自分が受けた善意や思いやりを、その相手に返すのではなく、別の3人に渡すというものだ。 トレバーはこれを実践するため、“渡す”相手を探す。仕事に就かない薬物中毒の男、シモネット先生、いじめられている同級生…。 いろいろと試みるものの、なかなかうまくいかず、「ペイ・フォワードは失敗だったのではないか」とトレバーは思い始める。しかし、トレバーの気づかないところで、このバトンは次々に受け渡されていた。
The Killers Within
A man must track down the reasons behind his brother's mysterious death, and uncovers a secret neo-Nazi group headed by a powerful congressman.
Our Sons
When James admits to his mother that he is gay it strains her liberal attitude. A San Diego businesswoman, Audrey believes she is a modern, open-minded mother, but the news sends her reeling. However, the real shock comes when James asks her to travel to Arkansas and inform his lover's estranged mom, Luanne, that her son has AIDS. As Audrey and Luanne learn to put aside their prejudice toward each other, they soon discover how to share their thoughts, hopes and fears for their sons.
The Last to Go
Tyne Daly plays a woman who sees the dreams of her youth change over a 22-year period as, first, her surgeon husband leaves her for another relationship, and then, her children, on reaching adulthood, go their separate ways. Adapted from the 1988 novel by Rand Richards Cooper.
Police Officer
David is a six-year-old boy who is caught in the middle of his two feuding (& divorced) parents. His father, Charles, kidnaps him to California, where he eventually sets him on fire as a means of revenge against Marie, David's mother (Young David receives third-degree burns over 90% of his body). This movie chronicles David's struggle to recover and the obstacles he faces along the way.
The 11th Commandment
Dr. Young
A murderous psycho breaks out of a mental hospital and goes after his rich uncle who killed his father and raped his mother.
C.I.C. Agent
The story of James Thornwell, whose accusation that the U.S. Army used mind control drugs on him to force him to confess to stealing secret documents while stationed in Orleans, France, in 1961, led Congress to award him $625,000 in damages nearly 20 years later.
Lassie: The New Beginning
Officer Ken
The Stratton kids, Samantha and Chip, and their grandmother, Ada, drive to visit their Uncle Stuart. Grandma collapses and dies in a strange town, leaving the kids and Lassie on their own.
Gunman #3
Johnny Kovak joins the Teamsters trade-union in a local chapter in the 1930s and works his way up in the organization. As he climbs higher and higher his methods become more ruthless and finally senator Madison starts a campaign to find the truth about the alleged connections with the Mob.
Sketches of a Strangler
Lt. Grote
An art student living with his sister is actually a maniac strangling dancers and prostitutes. One victim's sister starts looking for him...
Red Light in the White House
A reporter digs into the background of a young woman who is running for the U.S. Senate, and finds out a lot more than he bargained for.
Alexander: The Other Side of Dawn
In this sequel to Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway, Alexander's story is told in both the past and the present. Alexander's parents send him away from home for being too sensitive and not helping enough on their farm. He goes to Los Angeles in hopes of going to art school, but when he can't find a job as a minor, he turns to prostitution. After being arrested, he wants to head to Arizona to marry Dawn, but he falls into a lucrative job/relationship with a gay football star.
Poor Albert and Little Annie
Dr. Burton
Albert tried to kill his rich snobby mother once. Then he was institutionalized. Now he's escaped. Albert is after his mother again. And he will torture and kill anything that lays in the way...
Beautiful People
A therapist, Dr. Voxuber, runs a mysterious "health resort" on the California coast. Out of 50 applicants, he picks eight people, from all walks of life, to put them through a series of rituals and exercises in order to make them aware of their bodies in a way they never were before.