Sarine Sofair

Sarine Sofair


Sarine Sofair is known for The Inuring (2017), Anna Karenina (2012) and Game of Thrones (2011).


Sarine Sofair


The Rizen: Possession
A group of young urban explorers and a private military unit could become the final pieces in a 60-year plan to reopen a door that should have stayed closed. But what they unleashed could almost tear our world apart.
The Inuring
A bullied teenage girl finally confronts her sister to drag their fractured past out into the light.
The Gatehouse
Detective Black
Eternity, a 10-year-old girl, lives in a gatehouse at the edge of an ancient forest and she likes to dig for buried treasure. One day she digs up something she shouldn't, and the forest wants it back.
Shortcuts to Hell: Volume 1
An anthology film featuring 26 short horror tales by up-and-coming UK filmmakers.
The Look of Love
Yvonne Pyjama Tops
Paul Raymond builds a porn, entertainment and real estate empire that makes him the wealthiest man in Britain, but drugs doom his beloved daughter, Debbie.
Anna's Friend
文豪トルストイの名作を、「プライドと偏見」「つぐない」のジョー・ライト監督が映画化。19世紀末ロシアの社交界を舞台に、政府高官の妻と青年将校との運命の愛を描く。 19世紀末のロシア。政府高官カレーニン(ジュード・ロウ)の妻にして、社交界の花として人々から注目されるアンナ・カレーニナ(キーラ・ナイトレイ)。しかし、華やかな生活の裏で夫との愛なき結婚に空虚なものを抱いていた。そんな中、彼女は離婚の危機に陥った兄夫婦の関係を修復させようと、彼らのいるモスクワへ。駅に降り立ったアンナは、そこで青年将校ヴロンスキー(アーロン・テイラー=ジョンソン)と出会う。彼から強い思いをぶつけられて戸惑う彼女だが、自分にも彼を慕う気持ちで胸がいっぱいだった。